Can't fully trust my husband

Can't fully trust my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had the same situation as in the confession about my husband's flirting. Married for 15 years, always lived normally, trust,love , conversations on any issue, 2 children. Lately (long enough)my husband became very irritable, lashed out at me, in another quarrel he offered to get a divorce if we don’t find a common language. Since she was also tired of such a situation, she said: “come on.” Pause for a few days, communication is normal.

Then he calls me for a conversation right from work, and gives out information that he has been in imbalance for a long time and was ready to leave me, he already thought that he would be alone later, possibly with someone. Some time after such a decision, an affair starts at work with correspondence with an employee who is on maternity leave, I know her. Only correspondence and specific with an intimate text. He did not show me the correspondence, he said that he deleted everything. As a result, he asks for forgiveness, asks for help to get out of this situation, realized that he wants to be only with me and continue to share all the joys and hardships, to be together.

With her during the period of correspondence, somewhere around 3-4 months I never met, there was no intimacy. I'm sorry, now everything is fine, but the situation does not go out of my head and gnaws at me every day. I love him, to be honest, but it’s somehow difficult to come to terms with betrayal, although I understand that his act is also worthy of respect, because he told everything himself, I might never have known about it. There are doubts that he is disingenuous and continues to communicate with her, my hands itch to get into the phone, but so far I am restraining myself.

Advise, is it worth checking his correspondence or trying to abstract from this and try to forget everything?

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