I can’t bring myself to work in one place for a long time

I can’t bring myself to work in one place for a long time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know where to start. I am 25 years old, I live with my parents, I am a 5th year student. All mineThe problems started about a year ago. Worked inhoney _ the center was about 5 years old, then a new boss appeared, and with him came horror. There is no lunch, you stay late after work, I worked almost seven days a week, but the salary was good.

It always seemed to me that I should solve all the problems in the family, so I worked that way. I was tired, cried a lot and started having health problems due to nervousness. Going to the doctors was infuriating, often sitting at work, I really wanted to quit everything and go home. I was sitting and thinking about how to get out of here, and thenMy dear sister signed up for an interview for the position of accountant. I didn’t want to, but everyone persuaded me, and I went, and after 2 weeks they hired me for a new job, I had a fight with my boss and left.

And a new hell began, in a new place. I don’t like everything, I don’t understand anything about the work process. This month is the most terrible month of my life. Every test-antibiotic.com day I come here with tears and curse the day when I decided to leave my previous place, where I was used to it and knew my responsibilities. Now I sit and regret why I spontaneously did this, without thinking well, I took it and quit, although sometimes I remember those conditions, I’m so glad that I left, but this happens very rarely. Then again I can’t sleep at night, my head constantly hurts, my legs hurt from the exertion, I became all nervous. AlmostI cry in the toilet every day at work, and my diploma is coming soon. I'm starting to panic, I have no idea what to do?

I hate talking to new people and it all scares me. I want to give a damn about everything, but where can I go? I worked without a work permit, and again, I have no experience. I don’t really want to work, but I have to help at home. I can’t enjoy life, I’m all on edge, I want to be relaxed. I am constantly in a bad mood and because of this I constantly quarrel with my mother. But I want me to be in a good mood, to smile and be happy, but I’m terrible. All the time test-antibiotic.com I am upset, angry, irritated and offend others. When I was at my old job, I imagined that I would leave and have the weekend. And now it’s all there, but it doesn’t make me happy at all.

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