I hate my mother-in-law and sister-in-law

I hate my mother-in-law and sister-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old,married and havedaughter _ Before I was pregnant, my sister and I were at oddshusband and her mother. From the very beginning, as soon asMy husband brought me to meet his parents, they didn’t love me, they put a spoke in my wheels. It came to fights with his sister, she was very jealous of me and envied that we were a couple, but she didn’t get along with men.

Now she is 35 years old, has two children and is divorced, living with her parents. His dad andmy mother allowed herself to curse at me and my parents. At first I swallowed all the barbs and insults, then I began to answer. But there was no point. For some time we were friends even with my sister-in-law, but that was for the time being. Until her mother didn’t like something and we stopped communicating.

When I became pregnant, passions cooled down. Everything seems to be fine, everything has settled down. But then it started again. When their opinions differed from those of their husband, they believed that I was turning their son against them. I don’t know, maybe all mothers-in-law have this test-antibiotic.com confusion, but this is absurd. Why do I need this, I have proven a hundred times that I only want good. But the result is zero. The record jammed on them and that’s it. They did this themselves, they turned me against my husband. When he was with me, he didn’t go to them, he was kind and caring. And as soon as I was there, he would come back angry and take it out on me. It didn't last long. And my sister-in-law tried to slip her brother photos of his exes and her girlfriends and their phone number, they say, look at which ones, why do you need yours?girl _ Well, she doesn’t like me, she’ll survive.

When I was heavily pregnant, my husband started talking about dividing their apartment. I didn't get involved in such matters. And yet I was dragged into it. And finally, these words from his sister that if he goes with me and lives together, he will be sad and will return. Hints that we won't last. I got angry and left. They also liked to eavesdrop on my conversations on the phone with my parents, and then like a broken phone. test-antibiotic.com Everyone will twist it in their own way and be offended. What kind of manipulation is this? I didn’t get carried away, I did as usual. When the girl was born, his relatives came, they were eager to see me, they wanted to see their granddaughter. But after all this, I felt like I was cut off.

Now they behave differently, you won’t hear a bad word, although a couple of phrases slipped through from his sister, but I’m neutral with her. We communicate only when I visit them, and the same with my mother-in-law. Although they are still trying to change me to suit them, they say, a child should eat semolina porridge. Like, I fed my son and nothing happened. And the fact that my daughter was born with a normal weight, and hera son with a small child, this does not count. In short, I do it my own way, I don’t listen to anyone. Like this. I wouldn’t wish anyone to live with my mother-in-law. It’s better to be apart than to make trouble all day long or swallow grievances and then throw it all out on loved ones.

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