About eternity and love

About eternity and love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

He loved me. But in his understanding, love means kissing, hugging, caressing, feeling confident and, at the same time, comfortable around. He knew that I was stronger than him, but I so wanted to hope that this would pass. He tried to work on it. Realizing that a woman loves with her ears, he honestly tried to tell me something interesting and, at the same time, characterizing him flatteringly. I listened and, realizing that in fact he only wants to be strong, for my part I hoped that he would be able to convince himself of this.

He came, sat next to me on the sofa, took my hand in his paw, turned on the TV and said how comfortable it was for him to watch some action movie next to me. I also felt comfortable next to him, but I didn’t understand why it was cozy and pleasant to watch TV and cuddle while sitting at home on the couch, while there are so many pleasant and interesting things around, and while we are young and not very burdened with worries, you can there would be so many interesting things to see. Even in my test-antibiotic.com hometown. There are theaters, cinemas, a circus, a zoo, museums, exhibition halls, and finally, just parks and streets, which can be as pleasant to wander around as visiting museums, and, moreover, completely free.

Every lane, every house, even a tree is like a person. They can be admired, admired, rejoiced at the meeting. And then we'll have time to watch TV on the couch. It was as if I knew that sores in a few years would sharply prevent me from enjoying everything that can be enjoyed on foot.

Going to the park was just a dream come true for me, but for him it was a heavy duty. He could easily walk 15-20 kilometers at once, but when asked to go just for a walk, he often answered that he was tired and would rather sit on the couch.

Sometimes I thought that, perhaps, for some reason, he was embarrassed by her appearance or behavior, but it was impossible to doubt the impeccability of the manners instilled in me by my parents, and he spoke so much and well about my appearance and his feelings for her that I believed him. Otherwise, why would he come to test-antibiotic.com almost every day. Not to have dinner, in fact, and watch TV. All this he could do perfectly at home.

Over time, realizing that he was accepted, he generally stopped bothering himself with conversations, and I only had to remember our rare walks. After some more time, they all united into one distant memory, when he, still quite a boy, was so carried away by admiring the autumn foliage that he climbed a tree for the most beautiful chestnut leaf that seemed to him. He plucked this leaf and gave it to me.

So sorry that everything beautiful that gives peoplelove , after all, can be reduced to a single chestnut leaf. Why did only a sofa and a TV remain in his soul, is that really all a person needs for happiness? Is this all that people love each other for?

That's all. I am me and he is my exhusband . For a long time, all kinds of walking have been harmful to the remnants of my health, but how I still want to ... How I would like instead of sitting on the couch watching TV, to walk through the autumn park, read test-antibiotic.com a book aloud, learn new things about the Universe ...

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