The guy proposed to me and then changed his mind

The guy proposed to me and then changed his mind
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend and I have an unusual story. I came to another city to visit a friend and asked to spend the night with his friends so as not to pay for a hotel, and that’s how I ended up at his house. As soon as they saw each other, they both immediately fell in love, then they began to keep in touch by phone and I started visiting him.

We've been communicating like this for over a month, but it's as if we know each other all the waylife . He introduced me to my parents, godparents, friends, and told them all that he was going to marry me. And now, for the last time, on my ownbirthday makes an insanely cool offer. I, of course, happily agreed, in case we were really destined to be together. But, as it turned out, the fairy tale, as quickly as it began, ended so quickly. The next day I was offended over a trifle, but it seemed like by the time I was leaving they had made up and everything was fine. I arrived, no call, no SMS. She called herself, but he didn’t pick up. And I was still emotional from the proposal and wrote a kilometer-long text about how glad I am that I have him, etc.

And here the most interesting thing began, he wrote that it was not worth submitting an application now, since we had not yet gotten on our feet, he wanted to achieve something. Then he admitted that it wasa lie and in fact he’s just afraid to be with someone, he says that he’s used to being alone, but here I am. But I didn’t force him to propose, I didn’t force him to say that he loved him, to introduce me to all his relatives. I think it's because of his family, his parents were divorced, they both worked a lot and didn't give him enough attention, so he likes to be alone. So what's now? How to behave? I want to get married!

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