Pass the fare!

Pass the fare!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hate riding minibuses, but I don’t have my own car, so there’s no other choice. But as soon as I get into this transport, everything immediately starts to infuriate me: either the driver stops at every step, then anyone who steps on their foot is asked to hand over the fare, although the driver is a few meters away and the cabin is quite free.

Often even the tram overtakes us, so excuse me, please, why am I paying double fare? To arrive earlier than the tram. I hate conductors who just sit in one place and don’t want to lift their soft spot. The transmitters are pissing me offmoney , especially if the interior is empty. I’m generally scrupulous in terms of cleanliness and don’t like touching money too much. And when a whole minibus of people is packed, then just keep me seven. Usually I go to the final stop, huddle in a corner and wait for my stop. But, as luck would have it, I was late for work today and had to get on at the regular stop.

Luckily for me, there was one place free, but on the edge. Another one came with meman . I first got up and went up to the driver and paid the fare. After that she returned to her place. And the man stood and seemed to be waiting, the salon was empty, and he poked money at me, saying, hand it over. Is it really difficult to walk a couple of steps yourself and hand over the fare? Well, I lost my temper and yelled at him. Half the minibus turned around and looked at me. Of course, I felt uneasy, but I went and paid the fare myself. He could give me money for worst case scenario, when I was just going to pay, and not when I had already sat down. At my stop, I got off with relief, but my conscience is gnawing at me, am I really wrong?

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