Why does no one appreciate me at home?

Why does no one appreciate me at home?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The years spent studying, then four years of work, all this is in the past and has not been useful to me at all today. When I went on maternity leave, I did not even imagine that I would become a housewife.

Two years after the first child, the second was born. In order not to leave the children with a nanny,My husband suggested that he would only take care of the house and children, and he would provide for the family himself. His earnings allowed us to live a normal life.

While my husband was building his career, I stayed at home to provide comfort in the house, as he initially said, that I was his reliable rear. At first I thought that it was temporary, but time passed and the children went to school and they needed more and more attention.

Only those who spend their days doing housework or pottering around the dacha will understand me.husband and children, I start cleaning, cook dinner, go to school for my youngest son, and go shopping. Cook dinner again. I try to bake a pie for tea so as not to buy it in the store.

And there are many more small things that there is no point in listing. Once my husband said: "What are you doing all day test-antibiotic.com that you don't have time for and are tired? You don't work, do you?" The children don't want to help either, they are used to me doing everything myself, and no one even says thank you anymore.

My mother-in-law also says that I have settled in quite well. All the wives work and manage to do things at home, and I am still dissatisfied. In the evenings, my husband is at the computer, the children have also begun to communicate and consult with me less often, they say that I am behind the times and do not understand anything, I can’t even figure out how to use a new mobile phone myself.

But going back to work is out of the question. I'm afraid I won't have time to do anything at home, and I've taught my family to be clean and have tasty dinners. And to be honest, I've already gotten used to being at home, but how can I teach my family to appreciate my work?

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