Why do parents act like this?

Why do parents act like this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 15 years old. The family is complete, butthere are still problems .

From the age of 12, my mother communicates with me as with a girlfriend on topics that are quite difficult for me, as her daughter. For example, shouldn't she divorce my father because he doesn't love my brother? To be honest, this did not suit me initially, because it always seemed to me that I was too small to discuss such topics, I told her that I was uncomfortable several times. But she doesn't care, but that's not the point.

The problem is that since childhood, my parents had nothing against violence against children, among themselves, etc. Yes, they beat me, not only me, actually, my father used to beat me andmother , but now it all ends with the fact that he just swings.

Unfortunately, this does not work for my brother and me, they give me good cuffs, slaps, pour hot drinks, etc. But all sorts of insults are added to everything, so I more and more often take the blame for test-antibiotic.com and my brother. In addition to actions, it happens that they just have a bad day and need to throw out emotions on someone. This is if the fours at school or rest can be called actions.

So I don't know what to do. Although I know, of course, but I don’t feel like it, everything seems to be not so bad sometimes.

I just wanted to share, in life there is no one at all.

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