Why are there so many single women?

Why are there so many single women?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married at 32. I have already lost hope that I will meet a woman with whom I can start a family andgive birth to children. That's why I want to speak out why so many girls don'tMarried .

Excessive demands on the part of modern women are a mass phenomenon. Money ,money , money, comfort and nothing more. Infantility and immaturity. As you know, there is a whole stream of accusations from the female sex against men of immaturity. But they don’t look in the mirror. Apparently, for women, their own infantility, which they are poorly aware of, is really bigquestion and problem. Well, looking for the negative. About the presumption of a man’s guilt and the constant search for shortcomings and weaknesses in him (in order to blame and control). I'm not saying this happens all the time. And let’s keep completely silent about the frozen “Snow Queens” and deliberately turning into “inaccessible icicles”, filling their own price. It's completely hopeless. Girls are not interesteda man as a person. They are looking for money, mansions, comfort. And they imagine themselves as princesses worthy of all this.

I was convinced of this from my own experience and from the example of my older sister. She's 34There is no husband and test-antibiotic.com is not expected. True, now she is ready for any proposal, but time has passed. There were good guys, but she was still waiting for the prince in the golden carriage. Her mother agreed with her, saying: “Don’t rushmarry anyone like me.” Our father is an excellent person, but having come from the provinces to the capital, he achieved little. We lived in a one-room apartment, which was left to my mother by her parents. She and her father still live there, which gives the mother a reason to reproach her father for this.

When I hear thatthe girl cannot get married, I understand that this is another “princess” and I already sympathize with thatthe guy who will get her as his wife. After all, sooner or later she will decide to marry the first person she meets and will nag him for not providing, citing the example of more successful friends.

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