My husband got me into huge debts by taking out loans

My husband got me into huge debts by taking out loans
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a guy who later became my husband; he was from a wealthy family at that time. He insisted on me leaving work, motivating that I should take care of my family and children in the future.

I was 100% confident in him, he carried me in his arms. But as soon as we got married, strange situations began. Histhe family was in debt, everything was inloan , but it didn’t bother me until the pressure started on me and my family.

He started forcing us to take out loans, saying that we are one family and should help each other. I agreed to this, and he pawned my car, bought by my parents, in a pawnshop to pay off my partner. When her parents found out about this, they bought her with their own and told me to sell the car and give them the money because... the year before, at his request, I took 350 thousand from them. At this point their patience ran out, they said that letyour husband buys everything for you and provides for your family.

Then he forces my mother to take out a loan of 2 million for a car, for which he made a deposit of 500 thousand, which remained after the sale of my car. He said if he doesn’t take it, then he won’t get the return , everyone went on the lead again under furious pressure from him. Only God can see how he mocked me, saying ifIf your mother doesn’t take this loan, then I won’t return home. I won’t tell you for a long time what happened this year, starting with the fact that he didn’t pay for rented housing and I left my passport as a deposit, which I undertake to pay, but I’ll write down that it was from him. And ending with the fact that my parents bought an apartment and renovated it and then they ran out of money, they live on salaries and pensions.

As a result, he is very insulting to my parents and me because they did not give him the money in cash, then he supposedly decided everythingproblems , and didn’t do unnecessary repairs that he doesn’t need, and I’m the most cluelessa wife who cannot go and ask for money. They are needed so that his next car does not leave the pawnshop; my mother still has it on credit.

I'm afraid to tell my parents everything, not wanting to give them a heart attack. And I can’t live under such pressure, I can’t sleep at night anymore, he pesters me all the time, and we have a small child. I'm very afraid for ourWhat stops the future is that until the problems escalate, everything is fine with us, that he even seems to love me. His parents are shocked by him, but they can’t do anything.