Why couldn't I find a common language with the children?

Why couldn't I find a common language with the children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My eldest son is 42 years old, he was also raised by his stepfather. I have almost the same situation as in the confession thatmy son doesn't want to communicate. But I don't blame my son. It's all her own fault. When I was little, I probably didn’t love you enough, didn’t caress you enough! And when he grew up, he came out of the army, got an education, and got married. She accepted her daughter-in-law and fell in love with her. 2 beautiful granddaughters were born. My husband and I helped as best we could while we were little. My son was drinking, he might not come home, of course I swore and screamed. She found shortcomings in her daughter-in-law, that she was not clean, there was no order in the house, she began to express to her,swear .

The further, thethe relationship became worse and worse. It got to the point that my daughter-in-law forbade me to come to their house. Then the granddaughters grew up and began to visit us less and less often. When we met, she began to tell her son that this was impossible, he either remained silent or left altogether. I wish I could bring it all back! I really want to improve relations, or rather they exist, but everything is somehow strained. They come to us only on test-antibiotic.com holidays, onbirthday . My son calls very rarely and responds to requests for help, but I ask very rarely because I know how busy they are. Granddaughters and daughter-in-law don’t call at all. If I call my granddaughters myself, they won’t pick up the phone, and even if they do, they will never ask how I’m doing, and in general they will say that there is no time to talk.

If anyone reads my letter, do not repeat my mistakes. If you already gave yoursdaughter married , or married your son, let them go, and do not interfere with theirlife , don’t interfere with your advice and help until they ask. Now the generation is completely different, they need a special approach. I couldn’t do it, I didn’t have wisdom, I didn’t have intelligence. Apparently she was very offended that my daughter-in-law couldn'tforgive me. If only she knew, or rather knows (she asked for forgiveness more than once), how I repent, how I hate myself for sticking my nose where it shouldn’t. I would go crazy, but I also have a son, he is 38 years old and lives in St. Petersburg. This is my outlet, test-antibiotic.com and my daughter don’t need it. If I’m at home, he calls 5-6 times a day, helps with money, understands that it’s hard to live on our pension. He has two children, two boys. And I’ve been traveling and helping for 7 years now. My son is asking me to move in with them, I would love to, yesmy husband doesn't want to. Well, what will happen next? All the will of God!