Noisy musical talent next door

Noisy musical talent next door
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Konstantin, I am 37 years old. I live alone in a small apartment left from my parents in a panel house with good audibility. I have good onesrelations with all neighbors. At least, they were good until recently, when a young talent appeared in the neighbor’s apartment, passionately interested in music.

I’m not some kind of retrograde, don’t think about it, I love music and treat all hobbies with understanding. I think it’s quite natural that different people have different tastes, different interests and views onlife . But all my tolerance ends when the neighbor’s kid starts strumming his guitar right behind my wall.

Formally, my neighbors are not violating anything, because... plays them musicson in a clearly limited time by law. But I work shifts every other day, and upon returning home I would like to sleep in silence, which is problematic when right behind the wall you can hear the monotonous strumming of chords being learned by a novice guitarist - he’s on vacation. And judging by what I've heard over the past month, he's still doing just as poorly.

I tried to talk to my neighbors calmly, describing the essenceProblems . I didn’t find any understanding, because... in their opinion, their son “plays quietly and only during the day.” I don’t want to swear , but somehow the problem must be solved.

Equipping your apartment with soundproofing is also not an option. Firstly, I have neither money, nor time, nor desire to do this, and secondly, why should I pay for someone’s hobby from my own pocket? Maybe I should also rent him a studio for rehearsals?

In a word, it’s painful, but I don’t see a civilized way out of this situation. Maybe some of the readers had overly musical neighbors with whom you managed to come to an agreement?

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