After my parents left, my sister and I began to quarrel constantly.

After my parents left, my sister and I began to quarrel constantly.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story here sister doesn't want to move and decided to write about her relationship with her sister. I am 25 years old, my sister is 17, and after my parents left to work abroad for 3 years, we live together. Marina promised her mother that she would obey me, and I should look after her. I didn’t see anything bad or difficult for myself in this, since, despite the age difference, we always got along with each other.

The problem is that my sister is a very sociable person and has many friends. I also have friends, but I communicate with them differently. Marina constantly invites everyone to our home. They sit until late, listen to music loudly, and someone always stays overnight so as not to return home late. I get tired at work, I work as a nurse, and often after duty I want to rest and sleep, but Marina doesn’t understand this. When her parents were at home, it didn’t even occur to her friends to stay the night with us.

I tried to explain to my sister that can’t do this, that I also live in this house, and I’m not going to put up with all this. She started crying and accusing me of losing her friends because of me. She doesn't understand that you can't lose true friends just because you need to follow the rules of decency. When I said that next time I would make her company myselfremark , she replied: “you don’t tell meMom , you will raise your children. I have my own room and I do whatever I want in it.”

I called my parents to talk to her, my mother immediately said: “I knew you couldn’t handle it, we shouldn’t have left.” I’m also to blame, it turned out, as if they left me with a small child. I already buy everything myself, cook, clean, although together with my sister. I never thought that it would be so hard to live with my own sister, who is also an adult.

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