Reflections on love

Reflections on love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A person always comes up with some kind of standard for himself, which he eagerly achieves. Alove is generally some kind of crippled misunderstanding of nature: man was originally an animal and still remains one. The nicotine sun smiled at him and his lungs, as if saying: “Don’t be afraid, dude, because of me you will die a little earlier. So what of this?”

After that, he said goodbye to his friends and began to get dressed. As he rode down the elevator, he began to wonder if he was lying to himself. After all, he loves her, loves her like no one else. He falls asleep with her and gets up with her, because she is in his soul and heart, that thoughts of her permeate him to the marrow of his bones.

She appeared in his life when he began to become disillusioned with the sweetness of life. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t so important to him whether his feeling was reciprocated or not. It was easier for him to live with Love for her. He didn't understand why he started communicating with her. Probably because she was open, it was easy and relaxed to be with her, and she joked coolly. Gradually he began to understand that he could not live without her, and this came to him when he began to miss her. This was new to him because he was an indifferent egoist and never missed anyone or thought about anyone - he had many friends who considered him a friend.

He crawled out of the elevator, went down the steps, opened the front door and went outside. They weren’t expecting him at home, or rather, he didn’t expect to be there and looked into the first bar he came across. Having ordered a bottle of his favorite Millera, he thought about the fact that he wanted to be left alone, so that he would close his eyes for a second, and when he opened them, everyone would disappear. And then it would comeloneliness , the intoxication of which no one can understand, because you have to be both self-sufficient and a person thirsty for communication in order to feel it. In this solitude he would dissolve into complete nirvana. Time would stop for him, and every millisecond would seem like an eternity. In principle, this condition often visited him, but he wanted to see his ideal in reality.

I wonder if anyone has ever been truly happy? After allhappiness does not last forever, it will always be ruined by some freak. And a person who has lost his happiness to become becomes a moral monster, because he loses the core that holds him. He took another sip of beer and lit a cigarette. He was used to falling, but not used to breaking. And therefore he considered the concept of happiness not fully defined, he would like to add the word drug to this definition, because the thought of happiness at some period of life takes possession of every person, you hump at it, wait for it. In the end, it comes and you manage to enjoy it and get used to it, and when you are left without it, you start having urgent withdrawal symptoms, you can no longer live without it, but it is gone forever and no one can give it to you.

Winter is over, spring has passed, summer has come. He sat alone on a bench in the park on Arts Square, it was already about 12 o'clock at night, and he sadly looked at the stars. He didn’t understand how it happened, but today he realized that he had lost his love for her, and her place under his heart was taken by emptiness, mixed with unbearable melancholy. Along with his love for her, he also lost all desire to communicate with her. More precisely, he wanted to, but could not talk to her the way he had before. Most likely, due to the fact that a blank wall of unspokenness had formed between them. Yes, they probably don’t communicate as well now as before, because they could never fully express everything to each other. And if you don’t say anything to each other and keep everything to yourself, then all feelings fade away.

And this is where he miscalculated, because for a long time he himself did not understand how much he needed her. And she expected courage from him. And when he realized this, he just didn't have the determination to do it because he fell in love with her like a little boy. And the first step was never taken. It was from this first incident of unspokenness that the greatfriendship between a boy and girl.

He looked at the stars with a smile on his face. But although his constant smile was with him, a tear slowly crawled down his left cheek. He didn't remember the last time he cried before. Maybe in 9th grade? And the tears flowed because he spent so much time wandering the streets day and night, and for six months he had not bothered to raise his head to look at the sky, at the stars. And so he wandered around and could not figure out that she needed simple attention for him to become serious. And another tear flowed because he missed her, missed their old get-togethers, their nightly conversations. And he really wantedtake it all back or start all over again. But they both have changed a lot since they met, and in completely opposite directions. So even if he wanted to return all this, he would not have succeeded.

The only thing he still hasn’t understood is: did she understand that he loved her, or not? But he was already grateful to her for the fact that he had the opportunity to love her, forgive her for her stupidity, listen to her silence on the telephone, give her roses and be her friend.

And most of all, he was grateful to her for simply living in this world. Remembering her, he flew in his soul with happiness, because not everyone has such memories.

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