Reaction and observations of a Ukrainian at the beginning of mobilization in Russia

Reaction and observations of a Ukrainian at the beginning of mobilization in Russia
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story and my observations may offend, but it is important for me to speak out, because many Russians believe that the mobilization in Russia somehow frightened the Ukrainians.

I live in Ukraine, it is clear to everyone that we are at war, that people are dying, and that we are fighting occupation and genocide, and all because of some grandfather who has lost his mind. But that's not what I'm talking about. The news about the general “partial” mobilization of Russians found me at home. I came home from work, watched the morning address of the dictator of the Russian Federation and could not help but be surprised. In the news they say that the ZSU almost recaptured the Kharkov region, the only phrases heard from the propagandists were “everything is according to plan” and “no panic.” And then, reading the news about the mobilization, I realized that it didn’t scare me, but rather made me laugh. I laughed with my wife the whole evening, going to Ukrainian public pages - I was afraid that my compatriots would be afraid of mobilization. But what a surprise I was when I saw how most of them laughed and joked about this topic!

Putin tried to scare with mobilization and referendums, but no, all Ukrainians looked at these attempts of the Russians and their flight from mobilization as a performance. Goodquestion I have for Vladimir Putin: if everything is according to plan, and only 5937 of yours died, and 100,000 from Ukraine, why do you need 300,000 or even 1,000,000 conscripts? Was the Ukrainian army really too tough?

All this is ultimately very sad. The conscripts have nothing to do here - they will be destroyed. Many of my compatriots will also die, but for what? Why are you coming here? No one is waiting for you here, Russia lost this war, and mobilization will not help in this case. You will still return home either in sacks or disabled.

Having seen yesterday’s “uprisings” and rallies of Russians, and how they were packed into buses today, I realized that there was no point in hoping for a Russian revolt. Our troops (and, perhaps, me) will have to grind 1,000,000 people, sacrificing their lives. Because my homeland is Ukraine, I have only one, and I don’t want minefamily lived in Russia and my children studied in a Russian school. It is important for me that they are happy and live at home, that is, in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not Russia, we are no longer fraternal peoples. Russians, we don’t need you, please leave our country alone.

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