A jealous husband is worse than a drunkard

A jealous husband is worse than a drunkard
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I met my future husband, I didn’t notice anything strange about him. But when we got married, he became jealous of everyone. If I’m late from work even ten minutes, a scandal will inevitably arise. My husband greets me with the words: “Well, have you had a walk?” It is useless to prove anything in this situation. Still, he thinks he's right.

We only go to visit his brother or godfathers, they are all married, but this does not stop my husband from being jealous of me and them. After returning home, he arranges a showdown about who I talked to, who I looked at. And to dance with someone is out of the question. I am jealous of all the men who just talk to me. If I’m sitting at home, I still find a reason for a scandal, which means I’m thinking about someone.

When I sometimes try to say that he is wrong, the answer immediately follows: “I know why I’m bad for you, I’ve already found a good one, so get ready and go to him!” If I buy myself some new thing, test-antibiotic.com it means I’m going on a date with someone. Through himjealousy I had to quit my prestigious job just because men worked there.

I already suggested that we go to a psychologist together, but he said that he was not sick, and that it was histhe wife is like that. He has already tormented the whole family with his jealousy, constant scandals, nagging. As a person, he is a thrifty, hard-working, non-drinker, but sometimes I think that it would be better if he drank.

ThatMy husband will change, I haven’t hoped for a long time. I don’t want to get a divorce, but I don’t know what to do. I have no strength to live like this all the time and endure his insults. I want normal family relationships and peace.

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