Jealousy is destroying my family

Jealousy is destroying my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mythe family is on the verge of divorce, and all because of my jealousy. I can’t help it, no matter how hard I try. In childhood, whenmy father was jealous of my mother and started almost daily scandals and interrogations, I thought with horror that I might not get outmarry a jealous person. But I would never have believed that I myself would become like my father. But that's how it ismy husband said that he was tired of this, especially since there was no reason for my jealousy.

But I’m jealous of all my girlfriends, the employees he used to talk about, and now he won’t even leave the room if he comes to me.a friend or a neighbor will drop by. I check my phone when my husband is not looking, I read his correspondence on social networks, which he does not hide. I understand that I’m wrong, that I can lose him, I try to control myself so that he doesn’t notice my jealousy, I suffer from my suspicions in private, but sometimes I can’t help myself.

In the company of friends with whom we sometimes meet on holidays, they already start making fun of me and this makes me feel awkward, I pretend that I don’t care who my husband is talking to or who is sitting next to him. At home we start to find outrelationship , and I remember my father, who also tormented my mother with his jealousy, how much humiliation and tears there were. And his character and this trait were passed on to me, which prevents me from living peacefully.

Recently I began to notice that if earlier my husband tried to prove that he doesn’t need anyone but me, now he doesn’t care what I say, it seems that he doesn’t even listen to me. Even children, as they grow older, judge me. I don’t know how I will change and what to do. I only know one thing: if this continues, I will lose my family and the respect of my children.

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