The guy's parents are against civil marriage

The guy's parents are against civil marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21, my boyfriend is 23 years old. We've been dating for 2 years. We have been living together for 1 year. We lived in my dormitory, since he graduated early, but wanted to stay in the city, I helped him with the dormitory and we lived together. After a while, it turned out that his parents bought him an apartment. While the renovation was being done, I helped him with everything; it was assumed that we would live together in an apartment. I met his parents a long time ago; we spoke rarely, but normally. And then the time came to move, and his parents said that they did not want us to live together, that they were not ready yet. That they are against marriage before 30 and living together. That you can date, but live separately.

When informed that we had been living together for a year, they said that it was just a hostel. That they don’t want to come visit him and see me there, because they won’t be able to talk to their son. The parents don’t want their son to get married now, they want him to get on his feet. In turn my test-antibiotic.comThe guy says he doesn’t want to leave me, but he won’t go against my parents either. That he himself doesn’t want to get married yet, and that living in a hostel is one thing, but living in an apartment is another. Another level of relationship, and that I do not give him freedom, he communicates only with me.

He doesn’t want to break up, he offers to live separately, and then he will try to talk to his parents again over time. But I understand that they will control him all his life. I suggested to the guy that let’s rent an apartment so that our parents can see that we still want to be together, and then, if allowed, we’ll move into an apartment. But the guy is categorically against it, saying that his parents spent too much money and he can’t do this to them. He listens to them in everything, his opinion is practically not taken into account.

I do not know what to do. I can’t continue to meet with him like this, knowing that I was simply taken advantage of. He simply lived in a dormitory because he had nowhere else. I can't accept the fact that he can't fight for ourrelationship _ I don’t want to quarrel with his parents, I just want us to continue to live together. Moreover, I myself am not ready for the wedding yet and he knows about it. I don’t know whether it’s worth meeting further, agreeing to all this, or waiting for weather from the sea. What if at some point in a few years they tell him that I am not suitable for them, and he simply says that he cannot go against his parents? I don’t want to waste so much time on a person who lives not by himself, but by the decisions of his parents.

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