Russian occupiers are shelling the territory of Ukraine, and the Russian people are cowardly silent, approving of all this horror

Russian occupiers are shelling the territory of Ukraine, and the Russian people are cowardly silent, approving of all this horror
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Quite recently, the President of the Russian Federation (I will not mention his name, because it disgusts me) took a frankly stupid step, starting to shell the energy infrastructure of Ukraine. There have already been three or even 4 attacks throughout Ukraine.

Many people remain for a long time without heat, light and water. Perhaps the Russian president believes that in this way he can make a temporary truce for himself. However, he does not understand my country and my people a little.

I am writing from one of the cities most affected by attacks on the infrastructure, and this is what I want to say: recently I was walking around the city in the evening, our nights are dark, they are saving electricity, and on the streets you can hear the hum of generators. All the neighbors from my house and nearby houses understand the situation, and no one complains, we all believe in our army, and it is rightfully now very strong and motivated, which is why there were so many victories this fall, as there will be this winter, I’m sure.

No one will come out to protest, everyone understands and everyone expects Ukraine to win, and therefore we need to grit our teeth and help each other. Many neighbors share their generators' electricity, often free of charge, which surprised even me. We collectmoney and buy potbelly stoves for grandmothers and everyone who needs it. We have heating points open where you can always recharge or warm up. Therefore, everything that the President of the Russian Federation hopes for will not come true.

What the Russian army is doing or what is left of it on our land is incomprehensible to the mind, but the Russians on that side, like the Russians who moved to Europe, do nothing and do not protest against it in any way. As for me, this all shows their commitment to the regime, which means they are also accomplices in crimes, criminals should be in prison, and their accomplices punished.

Understand, all Russians, you will not be able to sit through all this, everyone will be guilty of this like Germany was before, and you will be hated all over the world, and very justifiably. Today, my beloved mother-in-law died from the attack on Kherson by the invaders, and I personally hate all the invaders, and I despise the Russians for their cowardice. There is no forgiveness for you.

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