My neighbor is taking revenge on me for past grievances

My neighbor is taking revenge on me for past grievances
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I myself come from a poor family. I recently lost my parents. Now I’m having a hard time finishing college. I do odd jobs. From my late parents I inherited a room in the communal apartment where I actually live. But the trouble is that a neighbor lives in the next room, she’s 15 or 14 years old, I don’t know exactly. I didn’t get along with her right awayrelationship _

The fact is that when she was very little, I made fun of her, sometimes even beat her a little. She took this to heart, hated me, and when she grew up, she began to harm me in every possible way. I also did not remain silent.

Every day we quarreled with her about all sorts of reasons. Either I’ll hang the laundry in the hallway, she’ll throw it on the floor, or she’ll throw my food off the common stove. One day our argument almost turned into a fight. I couldn’t stand it and slapped her in the face.

And recently she got herself a boyfriend (her same age). She complained to him about me, and he talked to me like a man, saying that if I ever mess with his girlfriend again, he will break something for me. It was very disappointing. I cried into my pillow all night. I was also offended by envy, because no one had ever stood up for me like that.

Sometimes I even think that I would like to have such a guy. I actually kind of like him. Every day I see them kissing and hugging in the hallway. And this girl takes advantage of the fact that the power is now on her side and continues to do nasty things to me. Such envy takes over.

I don't know what to do. There is nowhere to move out, but I can no longer live and endure this bullying.

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