Controversial issue

Controversial issue
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a friend and told me thatthe marriage is bursting at the seams. And all because they don’t have children. Not reallythe husband loved children so much, it’s just that all their friends have two or even three children, but he has no heir. Parents on both sides also “pressure”.

Details atI didn’t ask my friend , she just said that they tried all methods of treatment for infertility, but there was no result. There is no talk of adoption; the husband categorically does not want to raise someone else’s child.

For me this is controversialquestion . I don't know who came up with all this. My husband and I are quite happy, we devote all our free time to each other, we go wherever we want, and not where it would be better for the children. Calmly, we go to the theater, restaurant, park at any time, without racking our brains about who to leave the child with. Our home is always in order, we buy everything we want, we don’t deny ourselves anything, we get enough sleep at night and fully enjoy life. And by the way, we don’t think about leaving at all, and gave birth to grandchildren for my mothersister .

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