Should our children communicate?

Should our children communicate?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to ask you for advice (I’m already tired of dealing with this situation and I don’t know what to do correctly). I’ll try to somehow convey the essence of the current situation.

Cheated on mehusband , from this connection a boy was born, about whommistress told her husband a year after his birth in a social network message like: “Hi. Sorry to bother you, I don’t want anything from you and don’t demand anything. I just want you to know what you and I have in commonchild . R.S. Sorry for causing you inconvenience.”

It turned out that it was not he who read the message first, but me. The husband insisted that this was not true, that hesaw the girls once. I didn’t really believe it, but I decided not to aggravate it or question it.

About 4 years after this message, I decided to find out the truth. And indeed, that child turned out to be his. The boy is 5.5 years old, the husband does not want to recognize him, he says that he does not need it and that this child already has another dad (the baby was adopted by the current husband of his ex-lover).

I admit, was very difficult for me from everything I learned. She told me how and when it happenedbetrayal , and how my husband threw mud at me in front of his mistress, etc. But the point isThe problem is not so much the fact of betrayal and especially not the desire to listenadvice on what to do with my husband. I careThe question is what to do with the children. We have 2 sons (7.5 and 5 years old) and I want the children to communicate with their brother and know everything. I went to see them and met the boy (and, naturally, that woman). Wonderful baby. She is also not against communication between our children in the future, but she wants to tell her son this at least when he is 18 years old, so that he can decide for himself what to do.

But it seems to me that this may be very late for children, they may perceive this truth differently. They can either love each other or hate each other, incl. hate us all for hiding the truth from them. Maybe they should at least be introduced visually? Technically this will be difficult to do because... we live in different cities, but I think that if we want, we can handle it.

Please advise when and how best for us to introduce children (age, place, etc.) and whether it is worth doing this at all. As absurd as it sounds, I can say that I treated this baby with love. Thanks in advance.

PS The mistress never really asked for anything from her husband, although I believe that he himself is obliged to support the child and pays her alimony (even if he does not communicate with him).

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