Is it worth fighting for the man I love?

Is it worth fighting for the man I love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The man I really like until I have butterflies in my stomach is 18 years older than me. He is 46 and I am 28.

He was in a civil marriage, he has a child and, accordingly, an ex-wife. She is a very specific lady, but I don’t go into those jungles; it’s their past.

There is a sin on my conscience, because of me he was deprived of his license, he drank and took me home and we were stopped, his license was taken away. She knows because she came to the police for him, I was there too, because due to the state of passion I did not know what else to do. Now she knows everything, but at that moment there was nothing at all between us.

In total, we communicated with this man for 2 colleagues , in the last 2 months he began to show interest in me, he wants to date, wants a family, and I don’t mind, I like him too. But then his ex appears on the horizon with threats to take the child, screams, scandals and hysterics. Respectivelythe man is spending all his strength on resolving this conflict, he asked me to give him time, which is not a problem.

Today his common-law wife showed up at our work screaming, threatening with accusations, and all the negativity was directed at me. The question is: do we even have a chance? Or his ex will do everything to prevent us from being together, intimidate him, take the child, write a statement to the police. Does he even need new ones?relationships , maybe he has lost faith in them? Can he return to her, and does he need me for a change of scenery?

Will I be able to get through all this in terms of endurance, and what if she does something to me and him?will file a lawsuit or something else. But if I give up now, does it mean that I never loved him?

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