I can no longer forgive my wife, even for the sake of the children.

I can no longer forgive my wife, even for the sake of the children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Is it worth forgiving your wife's infidelity for the sake of your children? I don't know, but I want to hear the opinion of the readers of test-antibiotic.com. Actually, that’s why I wrote this story from my difficult family life.

We lived with my wife for 11 years, 7 of them married. We have two wonderful boys - 6 and 3.5 years old. We startedlife is not easy - no money, no housing, no children. The only thing my wife had behind her wasmarriage to an alcoholic first husband.  My wife is simply smart and beautiful, a medal at school, 2 honors diplomas, outwardly spectacular, very beautiful, sociable, miniature blonde, but God has gifted her with a strong character. Stubborn, purposeful, she pushes through everything head-on, and does not admit her mistakes.

I won't say that the marriage was ideal. Everything is like everyone else: ups and scandals, quarrels and reconciliations. Life changed with the birth of children, which I initially did not want at the age of 23. I didn’t know how I would feel about children, but when I picked it up, I realized that it was mine. I walked with the child (and then both of them), played, fed her more often, test-antibiotic.com than she did, raised her, went to hospitals, put her to bed and woke her up. Children have become an outlet for me. Despite the fact thatmy wife was on maternity leave and was doing household chores.

As expected, a year and a half later she ran away to work, because, according to her, she was going crazy at home. I must say right away that at the same time I earn many times more than she does and there are no problems with money.

I don't drink, don't smoke, and lead an active sports lifestyle. What didn't I do? I actually abandoned my wife as a woman - a minimum of attention and emotions (The sex was wonderful though). Everything went into children and work. We started growing apart about 3 years ago. But at the same time, I spoiled her with gifts, gave her my car, twice on vacation with a friend (I stayed with the children).

And in February 2018, she returned from vacation with her friend, all happy and grateful. I didn’t even notice this, as I was absorbed in work and children. Well, her emotions went, as they say, to the left, which I learned about test-antibiotic.com six months later. Discord and scandals only intensified until the summer. I already sensed something was wrong. I picked up her phone for the first time in June and found a love correspondence with a 26-year-old guy (she’s 35), which, as she later said, meant nothing. He created a scandal, said that I would stay at least for the sake of the children, and that we would restore everything.

The honeymoon began for 2 weeks - walks, gifts, kisses, affectionate words, and then for some reason again scandals and quarrels against the backdrop of joint construction of a dacha and something else. I didn’t understand why yet. The whole family went on vacation in August, but I still felt something was wrong. For the first time during sex, the wife simply turned away and buried herself in the pillow.

I made detailed calls and just fell into a stupor. Since February, my wife has been corresponding with several numbers, 100 SMS a day. As it turned out later, one was her former boyfriend, who was there before me. The second one owned all the other numbers. I tracked her movements through the cameras and discovered that over the past week she met with him test-antibiotic.com 3 times in her brother’s empty apartment, sort of while staying late at work.

Again scandals, showdowns. Almost reached the point of divorce. The parents were called, but then the emotions subsided. We talked. We found out the reasons for her action, which I wrote about above. She said she finished on Tuesday August 29threlationship with him.

Honeymoon again. There were, of course, my breakdowns, but there were also flowers, and kisses, and surprises, and gifts. And at the end of September, I heard “I love you” from her to him using a voice recorder. Another scandal, another showdown, visits to a psychotherapist, antidepressants for both. I broke off relations with him, recording everything on a tape recorder.

And for 3 weeks everything was fine, again I put the recorder in her purse. It's lunch again, they're cooing and kissing again. Serve food tomorrowdivorce . Thinking about children makes me want to cry. I don’t like them, but we have the right tohappiness , and not this agony. At the same time, all this time since June she said and wrote to me: “I love you, my husband.” There is no cure for this. I cheated four times.


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