After the birth of children, the wife stopped taking care of herself

After the birth of children, the wife stopped taking care of herself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have always believed that having children is a transition to a new level of relationship. It seemed to me that a baby born to two loving people makes their feelings stronger, allowing them to know a special absoluteLove .

My wife and I have been trying to conceive for over a year and have tested positive forpregnancy became a cause for celebration. However, after the birth of twins, ourrelations have changed not for the better. If during pregnancy I had not yet noticed any drastic changes in my wife’s character, then after giving birth it was as if she had been replaced. She became an overprotective mother and from the first days of life she surrounded the kids with complete control, not letting me anywhere near them.

Of course, I understand that this is a kind of crisis in married life and you just need to endure it, but it seems that it has dragged on for a long time. The children are already 2 years old, and the wife still babysits them like newborns. All her conversations about children, all her interests come down to reading parenting forums or watching educational videos on the Internet “how to massage a child,” “how to potty train a child,” and so on. It is impossible to tear her away from them - she even sleeps with them, but she “evicted” me into the living room, on the sofa. Doesn't take care of himself. She doesn't always have her hair combed, doesn't use any makeup (although she has mountains of different cosmetics left over from the old days), her clothes are dirty. Not a trace remained of its former beauty. Moreover, despite the fact that due to motherhood she never has time for me or herself, she recently began asking me, supposedly jokingly, what I thought about the birth of a third baby.

I'm terribly tired of living with a woman who devotes herself entirely to children. In the modern world, there are many ways to relieve yourself of some of the parenting responsibilities so as not to completely disappear into diapers and preserve your personality. Why my wife decided to destroy everything good in our relationship for the sake of the children (joint hobbies, intimacy, proper rest) is unclear to me. I offered to hire her many timeshelp the nanny, but she refuses. One could already try to send the little ones to kindergarten, but this, naturally, is out of the question. I tried to help her look after the children myself, but I “do everything wrong” and “I can’t trust the children.” My wife became a complete stranger to me.

I don’t know how to convey to her that next to unhappy parents, children will also suffer. How to get her out of this state before it comes to divorce?

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