I had a family and now I'm free

I had a family and now I'm free
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hadfamily ,husband , children. My friends and work colleagues were jealous of me. They said how happy I am, what a caring and loving husband I have, what wonderful children.

And at some point I felt unhappy. The children grew up, left the family, worries left with them, and the burden of responsibility fell from their shoulders, so I wanted freedom, to take care of my beloved.

It turned out that I fell out of love with my husband, stopped feeling attracted to him. By and large, I did not feel good with him in bed, and he knew this, and I so wanted a new love.

Girlfriends twisted at the temple: “You need to pray for your husband, you are furious with fat, you didn’t sip grief,” they told me. And I so wanted to have fun, to scream with happiness, to feel like a real woman. My husband and even my children began to annoy me. I wanted everyone to leave me alone and not get into my personal life.

In the social network, I met a man, he was from a neighboring city. Somehow, imperceptibly, I fell in love and began to dream of a meeting and test-antibiotic.com nights of love. And we finally met. But the first night did not become a holiday.

It happened quickly and not romantically at all. Then there was the second, third, fourth night. Maybe I was a little better than with my husband, but I did not get an orgasm. Nothing changed during all our meetings, everything happened everyday and it all ended there. And soon our meetings ended.

I had a family, a husband, children. Today is my birthday, I'm 51 years old. I got what I wanted. I am free and do only myself.

Finally, there is no all this fuss associated with cooking, cleaning, washing. I went to the mirror to fix my makeup. Why is a lonely and unhappy woman looking at me from there?

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