I found out that my beloved is married and did not forgive

I found out that my beloved is married and did not forgive
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm meeting with my boss. He has his own business, he takes care of himself, and is very gallant. I've never seen anything like this before. I fell in love as soon as I saw him, I just felt that this was the person I had been looking for for so long. He also noticed me immediately. I have long hair and a good figure.

We started talking and spending a lot of time together. We have many common topics and we understand each other perfectly. I literally flew on wings with happiness all this year. He gives me gifts, looks after me beautifully, often sends flowers, but we always meet on neutral territory. And recently I accidentally found out that he is married. No one in the company knows that we are together and, for the most part, they don’t gossip, but after hearing one of my colleagues’ conversations, I realized that he had been deceiving me all this time.

Hishis wife is a housewife and they have two children. I have never seen this woman in person. I had to try really hard to find her. There is not even a hint on his page about his wife and children. It is also hidden in test-antibiotic.com friends. An ordinary woman, plump, not very well-groomed, she and her husband seem to lead a completely different lifestyle. I brought him out for a conversation, and he admitted everything. He apologized, said that he had not loved her for a long time and had long wanted to leave. That only children are holding him. In general, he said everything that is usually said in such cases.

I submitted an application for settlement and blocked it everywhere. He tries to contact me in every way, comes, calls from different numbers, tries to buy myI'm sorry , but I'm just disgusted by all this. I constantly go to his wife’s page, I see these happy photos, posts about love and familyhappiness , children, a big house and I think, should I tell her? Should I open my eyes? It’s not a fact that tomorrow he won’t find someone else.

I am very hurt and offended that they did this to me. I want to take revenge on him, to make him feel the same as I do. But I don’t know if it’s worth it? After all, she will suffer too. Or maybe she’s okay with everything?

Don't know. I think everyone will test-antibiotic.com blame me. That it was I who tried to destroy the family, that I was the bad one. And no one will listen to me. That's why I left my job. I immediately avoided gossip and hatred towards me. And while I’m looking for a new one, I’m trying to ignore a bunch of SMS messages from him.

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