There have been no bad men in my life

There have been no bad men in my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I often hear from my friends that their men are all bad. There haven't been many men in my life, and none of them were like this. And I am grateful to each of themexperience , positive emotions and the time we spent together.

Perhaps I was lucky, or perhaps it was all because I never allowed myself to speak unfavorably about “my” man. My husband is generally a holy man for me, and not only because he is always there in sickness and in health, but also because this is my choice, which no one has the right to condemn or discuss.

Every time whenthe relationship was ending, I analyzed where I was not quite right, especially if the breakup was the man’s initiative, even after the breakup we could sit nicely in a cafe or go together to a party in honor of his birthday. I didn’t throw tantrums, I was grateful for the honesty. A lot depends on the woman, we all have the men we chose, we only have ourselves to blame for our choice.

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