Return to your ex-husband or go to jail?

Return to your ex-husband or go to jail?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my life story and the situation in which I found myself. I just don’t know where to turn, who to ask for advice. I hope many have watched Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” So, the plot is very similar to minelife , only everything is much scarier and sadder.

I got married at the age of 17 to a graduate of St. Petersburg University - a handsome, purposeful guy. At the time when that terrible event happened, my husband and I had lived for 10 years. We have two children - our son was 9 at the time and our daughter was 7.

Over 10 years of marriage, my feelings for my husband have dulled: everyday life, routine, monotony in everything have taken their toll. No, he still seemed to me just a good person, a wonderful family man, but there was no such spark as before. Was, of course, in this and hisguilt . Umy husband often did not have enough time for me, and hethe attitude towards me became commonplace. I felt that I began to turn into a nanny for children, a cook and a maid all rolled into one. Yes jealousy irritated my husband - he behaved as if I were his property, some kind of thing. Everything about sex is bland too. There was no passion, at least not for me.

And then I accidentally met Oleg. He worked in the district administration and held a good position. At first we were just friendsa relationship that gradually grew into something more, and I realized that I was gradually falling in love with him. He is kind, sympathetic, attentive - the complete opposite of my husband.

When I first cheated on my husband, I felt nothing, no remorse, no feelings of remorse. I realized that I don’t love my husband anymore, but I love Oleg. He asked to talk to my husband and leave him, but I couldn’t do that right away. After all, we lived 10 years, hethe father of my children, who adore him. How to present all this to children?

I needed to prepare myself, my husband and children, and I kept putting off this difficult conversation. My conscience tormented me not because I was cheating on my husband with Oleg, but because Oleg and my husband were cheating.

On that ill-fated day, we were returning in the evening with my husband from the dacha. The children were with their grandmother (my mother) and I decided that today I would tell him the truth. My husband said that his blood pressure had jumped up, his eyes were dazzled, and asked me to get behind the wheel. I was replaying in my head the upcoming conversation with my husband, thinking about the children, thinking about how we would continue to live, and suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my husband’s cry: “You fool, stop!” Then a dull thud and a woman's scream.

I stopped the car. We went out. A meter from the pedestrian zebra crossing laythe girl's face fell into the asphalt, from where blood spread. I fainted. My husband immediately caught me, sat me down in the passenger seat, then ran up to the girl, after which he began dialing a number on his mobile phone. He began to calm me down, saying: “Don’t worry, honey, everything will be fine.” Then he pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe the steering wheel, gear lever, pedals and seat. Then he dismantled the DVR (we have a dual camera) and hid it. He began to grab the steering wheel and lever, and the entire driver’s seat. He told me not to open my mouth, he would talk to the police himself. I began to protest, shouting that he didn’t have to do this, but he just shouted: “Shut up and think about the children.”

The ambulance and the police arrived. She and her husband talked about something and ordered us to go to the nearest department. There they drew up a report, took his signature and ordered him to appear in three days. The girl was taken away by ambulance in critical condition. The husband said that he deleted all the records from the recorder. And he told me to tell the investigator and interrogating officer that he was driving.

I didn't have to wait three days. Came the next daya man in plain clothes and two in police uniform. The one in plainclothes showed his police officer’s ID and the order to detain her husband - this girl died at night from her injuries. Moreover, she was six weeks pregnant.

I cried for half a day, then called Oleg, told everything, keeping silent only about the fact that it was me who was driving. He promised to use all his connections, but the incident has already received publicity in the press, it is a resonant matter, and he cannot avoid a real sentence.

Then there wascourt . The husband was given 4 years imprisonment, three of them in a general regime colony and a year in a settlement colony. I, of course, appreciated the nobleact of her husband, she was very grateful to him for this, but even this could not forcereturn minelove for him. I loved Oleg. Out of a sense of duty, I temporarily broke off relations with Oleg, although he was there all the time, helping morally and financially - after all, I was practically left without a livelihood, and my meager salary, which I spent exclusively on myself, was not enough.

For the first two years I went on dates with my husband, brought the children, and then... I could no longer live without my beloved Olezhka. She committed, perhaps, the most vile act in her life - she filed fordivorce . If only I had known what awaited me, I would have sat there from bell to bell.

Of course, I was terribly ashamed, I know stones will fly at me, but I don’t love my husband! I didn’t say anything, and Oleg asked to connect connections so thatthe husband did not know about the divorce, because... It’s already hard for him to sit there for a long time. My deadline. I decided that he would find out everything after his release. How can I look him in the eye?

She took the children and moved in with Oleg. My husband and I were quickly divorced and Oleg and I submitted an application to the registry office. The children took this very painfully,the daughter has withdrawn into herself, andmy son called me a traitor and said that he would wait for his father and live with him. My husband was transferred to a settlement colony not after three, but after two years, but he spent only six months in the CP and was released on parole. And this is where it began...

I met my ex-husband, at that time I was alreadymarried to Oleg and, sobbing, confessed everything to him. She said that I was incredibly grateful to him for what he did for me, that I was leaving the apartment and all my property to him, and that he could see the children any time he wanted. I begged and begged himforgive me and let me go. I admitted that I don’t love him anymore, that I’ve been in love with another person for a long time. That it wouldn't do any good if I stayed with him out of a sense of duty.

I still won’t forget his reaction. I expected pain, suffering, tears, but there was only a contemptuous grin and an evil twinkle in my eyes. “No, you will take the children and return to me and live with me, not out of a sense of duty, but simply duty. Freedom, my dear, must be paid for.” He said that even before the accident he knew that I had someone else. And therefore he took my blame upon himself, in the hope of saving ourmarriage . And before deleting the footage from the DVR, he made copies where it was clearly visible who was driving.

He gave me three days to return, otherwise he will make a statement and publish this recording in the press. He said that even if I don’t go to prison (which is unlikely), everyone will know about it, absolutely everyone - the relatives of the deceasedthe girls , her widower husband, our children, who cannot forgive me for not waiting for their father. And after this news, I will completely become a fiend for them. Mom definitely won’t survive this, she already had one heart attack, they barely saved her.

Oleg's career will go to hell if the public finds out thatthe wife of a respected man is a murderer whom he covered up. And Oleg himself will despise me. He doesn't know anything. All my friends, acquaintances and relatives will turn their backs on me, my ex-husband will become a hero, and I will become the last creature who killed a girl and her unborn child, betrayed her husband, who, for the sake of love for his wife, took her sin upon himself. He said that in three days I must return to him and become submissive, like a lamb, otherwise he will grind me into powder, and at the same time “your Oleg.”

He also threatened that if anything happens to him, even if he accidentally slips, falls and breaks his neck, then there is a respected authoritative person whom his ex-husband helped in prison, and he will help him on the outside with both work and money for the first time. And he will automatically make this whole matter public and I will have to sit in prison even longer.

I asked my husband if he really had such an opinion about me that I was capable of all this. He said that since I was capable of doing what I did, then I was capable of anything. And here it’s not a matter of love, but in principle – debts must be repaid.

The three-day period is expiring, now I don’t know how to avoid prison and all the other accompanying troubles that my ex-blackmailer husband threatens. I love Oleg andseparation from him is unbearable for me. What to do, tell me?

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