My gift and calling

My gift and calling
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old. I live happily, I have a house, I love my job, I travel. In general, everything is almost the same as everyone else. Since I was 12 years old, I noticed that little one-year-old children and preschool children are very drawn to me; it costs me nothing to quickly find a common language with these wonderful and kind people. By profession, I always wanted to be a chemist, fortunately we had a cool chemist at school with whom we made various solutions and conducted experiments. Well, I decided to go to university at the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

After graduatinguniversity , and after working a little, I realized that I couldn’t stand it for long, the work began to bore me. I began to think that it was worth changing my field of activity and trying myself in something else. Without much hesitation, I quit my job and began looking for a job that suited my tastes. I have worked in all sorts of ways and tried everything. Somehow, my parents, seeing my efforts, decided to give me some advice.

My older brother had twins. They are good parents. Somehow they were lucky, andmy brother received a vacation package to Egypt.'s parents remembered that I got along well with the children (these kids were one year old), but they really didn't want to leave them and were afraid, which is understandable, since these are their first children. In the end, they made up their minds and left the children with my parents, as it turned out later, my parents agreed with my brother and left the children under my care, naturally they looked after me. The children quickly got used to me, which was extremely strange for me, but I coped with it without difficulty or much fatigue, the children played happily with me, ate well and slept soundly. I always thought that looking after children was terribly difficult. Yes, I was tired, and I also slept soundly next to them after everything, but the week flew by, the children and I took a bunch of all sorts of cute photographs, which I still have.

When my brother arrived, he was very surprised; my nephews were very afraid of everyone except their parents and grandparents. And they very quickly became attached to me, then I realized that my job was to babysit children. I entered the pedagogical institute and will study to become a teacher. Mom often recalls the Soviet film “The Mustachioed Nanny” and is very glad that I have finally found myself. And I’m just happy that I finally found my dream job, but it’s still a mystery to me why children find a common language with me so easily.

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