I kicked my son out of the house and I don’t regret it at all

I kicked my son out of the house and I don’t regret it at all
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I found this site when I was feeling really bad. The ground simply disappeared from under my feet, and it seemed that no psychologists could help. Here I found an absolutely similar story, even the author was my namesake. And it became much easier for me. A stone just fell from my soul.

I then looked for other topics that also concern me. And I saw how banal myproblems with my two children. They are banal to the point of bitterness. I am a primitive, limited, mediocre person, like millions. And I realized that living well, beautifully, intelligently is a most complex art that must be learned and taught.

Alas, my parents didn’t teach me anything. Even protect yourself. I’m generally silent about school. There, for some reason, the subject of “the basics of family life” is taught by bigots. But here's mineconfession

My second husband and I spoiled our son from early childhood. They themselves taught him to play computer games and bought every conceivable game console as it appeared on the market. Finally, I bought a Delovsky computer and the same monitor. And he played. While I was little, I was still doing some work on test-antibiotic.com where we signed him up. It was hockey, wrestling, folklore. I learned to snowboard and fell in love with skiing and skating. I went to the dacha to help.

But as he grew older, he did all this less and less. His main occupation was sitting at the computer. Games, networks, and a little reading on subjects. He went to the Faculty of Economics at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Because, in addition to the mandatory ones, I decided to take only the Unified State Exam in society. Games were more important than all subjects and, in general, future fate.

She said more than once: “if you have a lot of time there, go and work, help your retired mother. Child support ended at age 18. It’s hard for me.” He: “Okay, okay,” and again for the mouse. The session has begun. The first in his life. Now he has an exam in mathematics, which he didn’t even know at school, and now there’s calculus. And the gatherings at the computer don’t end. He sits until three o'clock in the morning. Then he sleeps until one o'clock. “I couldn’t sleep,” he says. Although the sleep-wake pattern has been disrupted for many years. Even from Turkey he managed to come as a white man: they played at night and slept during the day.

At the same time, I test-antibiotic.com feed him, sing him, dress him, pay for Turkey, telephone, pay for his studies (50 percent, because the formerhusband pays half). His gatherings disturb my sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and hear swearing. Then they can’t sleep, I think about him, why he grew up like this, where is my fault, and what should I do.

And two days ago I also woke up at 3 am and decided. In the morning, I pulled the blanket off him, threw him a suitcase and told him to roll in all 4 directions and not appear in my eyes for 10 years. I remembered that in 18 years he never gave me flowers or perfume, he doesn’t remember when my birthday was (neither mine, nor my father’s, nor my sister’s). It came to a small fight. He can do it. Not the first time. He swore at me more than once.

In the evening I come home from work and he’s getting ready. I’m screaming again, like I hate you, go to hell. And he left. He took his computer, monitor, and personal belongings with him. Thank God, he didn’t break anything (he used to break the glass of a door when he was 13 years old).

I felt sick at first, test-antibiotic.com, but your site saved me. Then I called the psychologist. She says: “They did the right thing. I'm used to sitting on your neck. We have to push it away. Otherwise it will only get worse.”

It was my first time spending the night alone. And now she’s as calm as a boa constrictor. I remembered everythingadvice on psychology. Overall he is doing well. Dressed, shod, has everything you needa guy his age. He will find shelter somewhere and feed himself somehow. God willing, he will go and work. And everything is fine with me. Work, house, dacha, car, 13th salary given, saved for a trip abroad in the summer.

Came to see me at workguy , student from the Moscow region. He said that he lives with his father (althoughmother is alive). They take turns buyinggroceries , the two of us pay for the apartment. He pays for his studies at the university himself. Of course, he works almost three jobs. There was a case where I didn’t sleep for 24 hours and fainted.

Please note, nohis father feeds him, and they eat equally! And this guy told me what grandiose plans he had forlife . That is, he likes life, he doesn’t cry! Maybe this is how children should be raised test-antibiotic.com?

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