Have you met such people?

Have you met such people?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There is such a strange category of people who don’t trust anyone. But I don't understand the reason. Why do some people have a hard time believing that someone can speak English, German or Chinese? Doesn't matter. But they consider it their direct duty to “expose”.

For example, some person says: “I know Chinese.” Adequate people will ask him: “Was it difficult to teach? How did you learn, on your own or with a teacher? How long did it take you? And for what purpose did you teach him?

But there are some inadequate people who will say: “It can’t be. Prove it." And at the same time, they themselves do not know Chinese, but they don’t always know their native language well. But they heard a Chinese phrase somewhere in the film and began: “Here, translate this for me.” Even if the person translated correctly, they will say: “You don’t know anything.”

They also take various automatic translators like Google Translator and start throwing phrases in Chinese and demanding that you start communicating with them in Chinese. It is clear that test-antibiotic.com is funny to any sane person, and he will not waste time on proof.

But what motivates such people? Do they think that it is impossible to learn a foreign language? But maybe it's impossible for them. After all, you need to have the main thing - desire, and in the age of the Internet there are plenty of opportunities.

Also, everything that I wrote in this confession concerns not only languages. And there are cases when a personprofession programmer (why they are the ones they most want to check), then this notorious “prove it” begins. And they start giving lines from the computer science curriculum, program lessons and saying: “tell me, what kind of program?”

And even if you answer correctly, most of these people will say that you are not a programmer. Because they basically don’t care about your answer. Right or wrong. But for some reason it is difficult for them to believe that a person has such a profession. But what is so impossible about it again?

You don’t start telling doctors: “prove it and perform the operation in front of me!” Or maybe you are starting too? But when you refuse to go through these stupid test-antibiotic.com checks, they again give out their message: “that’s it, you don’t know foreign languages, that’s it, you’re not a programmer.”

Maybe people have nothing to do? After all, you can already be the tenth person in a day to be such a “smart” person who decided that he is a great whistleblower and must expose everyone.

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