Mom is driving me out of the house

Mom is driving me out of the house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 19 years old, I'm a student. MyMom , despite the fact that she is not so old yet, simply squeezes all the other residents out of the apartment with some of her old lady whims. The apartment is cluttered with huge house plants, we are all constantly fighting for space to move around the house.

Mom has a passion for pets, she has an adult cat who doesn’t go to the litter box, who leaves fur everywhere, and he’s always vomiting everywhere and has a lot of fleas! Fleas are everywhere, I’m all bitten, I’m already covered in blisters, and my mother says that I’m imagining fleas. The others somehow suffer less, but since I am the leastmy favorite child out of four (I have eternal neuroses, various pathologies based on nervousness, a difficult character) is the least taken into account, and it is difficult for me to live in this house. But I have nowhere to go, absolutely nowhere to go.

Today I got hysterical, I asked my mother to buy anti-flea spray, and she started a conversation, saying that it’s a shame to oppress an animal, because it feels everything. Later, I learned from a conversation with my younger brother that my mother, in my absence, said that I supposedly wanted everyone from the apartment to survive. I’m not working now, I decided to finish my bachelor’s degree and not go to a master’s program, go straight to work, and even if I earned money, in modern realities I would never save up for separate housing. I try to be at home less often - I work in the reading room of the institute, sometimes in the computer lab, in my free time I walk until late, sit in church, but I have to go home. After all, here I have things, textbooks, a computer with abstracts, etc. Student dormitory is only for non-residents.

How can I survive? Mom is simply insane, she will never give up her interests for the sake of another. I asked her, persuaded her, demanded, cried, but she does not react. I leave home, but she doesn’t care that this is happening because of her.

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