Child in exchange for an apartment

Child in exchange for an apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

II’ve been married for three years, we don’t plan to have children yet, we don’t have our own home. We rent an apartment because we can’t afford the mortgage. Parents are in no hurry to help, they spendmoney for themselves, they say that they raised me, now they have the right to live for themselves.

I’m glad that mom and dad have the opportunity to vacation at sea twice a year, but at the same time they want grandchildren. But I don’t want to give birth to a child in someone else’s apartment. I don’t demand anything from my parents, but let them not demand grandchildren from me. Especially my grandmother, who lives alone in a two-room apartment. After my wedding, I asked her to move in with her parents and give up the apartment to my husband and me, but she flatly refused. With my mother (her daughter-in-law), my grandmother has badrelationship , maybe that's why she refused me. But, really, she offered to live with her. My grandmother has a very bad character and I refused.

Celebrated daddy's on Sundaybirthday , the whole family was sitting at the table when the grandmother started talking about children. When I answered that thisI don’t want to discuss the issue , she said that in 5 years Ithe husband will leave and find someone who will bear him a child. My husband sat silently and did not interfere in our argument, which especially offended me. He could have said that it was our common decision to live without children for now, but he pretended that this did not concern him.

My parents supported my grandmother, and when I said that I agreedgive birth on the condition that they provide me with housing, my grandmother burst into tears. She lamented that I was waiting for her death in order to get an apartment, that I was the same as minemother and stuff like that. Everyone quarreled, ruiningFather's Day And the most interesting thing was what granny said when leaving the apartment: “You won’t get anything, I’m bequeathing my apartment to the church!” She is a parishioner, communicates with the priest, and I am afraid that he will convince her to rewrite the will for the apartment.

What do i do? I don't want to lose my apartment.

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