Nobody needs single mothers

Nobody needs single mothers
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. I have been officially married for 5 years, my daughter is almost 3 years old. But myMy husband doesn’t work and doesn’t try to find a job, he sits and plays computer games, and when I talk about work, he replies: “Have you found a job?”

I’m just in search and it’s hard for me to find a job, because I’m not a sociable “closed” person, I’m a psychologist by training, but I’ve never worked as a psychologist (I worked in production as an ordinary worker). My husband used to go out with friends, sometimes until 2 am, sometimes until 5 am. I don’t know whether he cheated or not, but he lied to me all the time. Now he sits at home and rarely goes out. And it's notdepression and nothing like that, it’s just cowardice, he hadproblems with friends. So I used to love, I closed my eyes to everything, and the constantforgave lies , and thenlove has gone away over time, the need remains, I live for my daughter, all children need a dad. I don’t take lovers, no one even looks at me. Divorce, but my husband now doesn’t even give reasons, and at the same time he said thatthe daughter will take away that he has connections, he doesn’t have connections, but his dad may have them, he’s cunning and punchy andThere is money , although he is greedy.

How to move on, I’m tired of everything, I can’t find a job, I don’t want to go back to production either, sitting without money is also not the best option. I am depressed, I take sedatives and don’t know what to do. I want to have a job, I want to be valued, respected and loved. Apart from my daughter and my parents, no one needs me. And who will need me later, after the divorce,single mother ? No one.

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