You are always with me...

You are always with me...
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Sometimes it seems thatlife is very fleeting. There are too many moments in it that you want to skip quickly, play through like a film, and sometimes completely delete from your memory. Now I’m 23 years old, I work, I do what I love. I grew up in an orphanage, under the “sensitive” education of teachers. I spent my entire childhood in the terrible scandals of my parents, surrounded by drunkenness and unbearable beatings.

That winter it was especially snowy, in the morning I went outside barely opening the door: there was a lot of snow and I began to build a snowman. I got so played that I left the door to the house ajar. The house was not heated, and even the cold from the street filled the rooms. An angry man ran out of the housemy father grabbed me by the collar and dragged me into the house. There he began to yell at me and beat me, and he didn’t count on force. I barely escaped from his blows and ran away...

I wasn’t home until about 10 pm. Entering the yard, I saw that there was no light in the house. The door was also not locked. I entered the house, turned on the light and on I saw... my father. He was lying face down, I went up to him and began to “wake him up”, but he did not wake up! I ran to the neighbors and told them everything. The neighbors were kind and wealthy people, they invited me into the house, fed me and put me to bed.

The next morning I found out that my father had died. He had an illness related to heart failure. Aalcohol did everything possible to ensure that the disease manifested itself to the maximum. I’m thinking that if I had not run away from home, I could have prevented death, called an ambulance, for example. Soon the mother also passed away - she quickly drank herself to death. I was transferred to a boarding school, where I was withdrawn for a long time and began to stutter. I love my parents very much because they loved me, I want to ask everyone to hug their mom and dad more often, sincerely wish them health and never leave them alone. Peace and goodness to everyone!

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