Fell in love with a teacher

Fell in love with a teacher
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started almost a year ago. At that time I was 18 years old, I came to my home for the summer (I live in a small provincial town, I study in a metropolis), I entered wherever I wanted after school, I had old friends, thank God, close by, I made new ones. The only thing that sometimes worried me and wouldn’t leave me was my unrealistic schoolLove . I never fell in love until I was 15, I fell in love, and it ended with nothing, a broken heart and a ton of teenage misery. I didn’t get hung up on it, it was difficult, but I was recovering, and I didn’t really let guys near me, because I didn’t eat like before. By nature I am a modest, decent girl, even correct to some extent, not a bore, but with a head on my shoulders.

So, it was August, I was still waiting for them to send us our study schedule. I was sitting in the kitchen and reading a message to the group about how everyone was discussing the new archeology teacher. To be honest, I was very upset then, literally almost burst into tears. The fact is that the old man was not so old, he was test-antibiotic.com only 5 years older than me, he led the pairs very coolly, humored, asked questions fairly, was strict, but at the same time very good-natured. It was one of minefavorite , if not the most favorite teacher. I prepared myself in advance for the fact that the ray of light had left us and now it would be a nightmare, my favorite object would become ordinary at best. Of course, I didn’t make a real drama out of it, but I still felt sad.

September began, the first week, everything went smoothly, even very smoothly, I met all my friends, the city had good weather, the new teachers turned out to be not so scary, and my money began to improve. There was only one leftteacher we haven't seen. Everyone was very interested that day to see this “replacement”. And so, as I thought, this was a strict uncle, especially in contrast to our previous one. He began to introduce himself, announce his demands, but I didn’t want to listen to him, as I remember now that I saw in him an arrogant and strict turkey. (let's call him Maxim). Max took the group list, did a roll call of test-antibiotic.com and apologized if he confused us at first. When all this was over, he said that the lesson could begin. He asked something old, saying that we had already been through this and should know. Everyone was silent and it wasn’t that we had a stupid group, not at all, there was just tension. He again said that he was waiting for an answer, in response there was silence, all this time he was looking in my direction, and I was looking at the old notebook and thinking about how not to lose my scholarship with this comrade. Suddenly he said my name, I was surprised, because he didn’t even have a list anymore, did he really remember, I wasn’t sitting in a particularly visible place. He still looked, I raised my eyes, began to say that I know, and in fact I know this subject quite well. After my answer, he complemented me a little and for the rest of the couple he addressed me. On the one hand, it was pleasant, but on the other, I didn’t really attach much meaning to it, even when a couple of groups surrounded me and said “Wow.”

I test-antibiotic.com really liked the subject, I read a lot and decided to deepen my knowledge even further, I spent a lot of time on it, and it was noticeable. The next couple, I am thoroughly prepared, he asked, starting with me, myfriend , when I had already said enough, Max stopped me and said: “the girl next to (my name) I don’t remember the name” and this was not an isolated incident. It sounded a little arrogant of him that he wouldn't even bother to remember, not even the prefect. Of course, it was pleasant to some extent, but some kind of rejection took its toll, and suddenly excitement leaped up, I suddenly wanted to show myself in all my glory, I wanted to be on an equal footing with him, this severity and some kind of arrogance infuriated me terribly . At that moment, my love for the subject was also fueled by my desire to prove something to someone. This is so stupid and funny. After all, he infuriated me, he (as it seemed to me) has no favorites, he is strict and does not praise.

From then on, he just started bombarding me with questions, I found the answer, he smiled. test-antibiotic.com Once he assigned an essay, when he began to collect work, I hesitated and turned on the girl and said that my writing was not very beautiful, he allowed me to just sit next to him while everyone was doing the task and read it to him. When we were writing a test, he took my notebook, smiled and asked about the topic, and I plaintively replied that I found it on the Internet, to which Max said: “I’ll hide it,” and this happened more than once. By the way, he gave bad marks, he could even yell and find fault with little things. What about me? It’s not that he made concessions to me, no, he asked, and a lot, sometimes it seemed that the whole couple was our sweet dialogue, but thiscommunication was different from what it was with the group.

At first I thought it was simply because I’m always ready, and I have at least some authority, but as I already said, my group is smart and there are people who, objectively speaking, are much better than me, but he rarely asked them and didn’t especially developed the dialogue. Then there were jokes, they say, at test-antibiotic.com I got my favorites from such a strict and angry teacher. Of course, I laughed it off, but I myself didn’t understand what was happening. Either a wild thirst for knowledge, or a desire and passion to assert myself even stronger, but I suddenly began to be drawn to him like a magnet. During class, he gave everyone a task, I started writing something, but my neighbor didn’t really understand the point, which she said out loud. The task was in pairs, there was a slight hum, I began to explain, when suddenly I felt someone’s hands on my shoulders, I looked up, he smiled and affectionately said that I could work, I replied that I already, and the neighbor again said that I didn’t really get into the point. Max looked at me and asked if I understood, he began to playfully ask me to show him what we were doing, I showed him. Max told my partner what to do in a nutshell, at that moment I felt a difference. It's like he doesn't communicate like that. I drove these thoughts away from myself, but I began to like him, and not as a teacher, I began to literally flutter, test-antibiotic.com blaming the fact that I was in a good mood, and trembling in front of him was justified not by love, but by fear. There wasn't a single couple that he didn't ask me. In his classes there was a certain order of questioning, and I did not fit into it; he could talk to me when someone answered.

One day I was as cheerful as always, my classmate was sitting opposite, while someone was answering, we looked at each other and smiled. Max immediately noticed this, sternly called out to me and said that if I had something to say, I could speak out. I lowered my eyes and said that I didn’t want to say anything. Even though he was a haystack, he skillfully joked, the girls went crazy with his appearance and some kind of charisma. He made fun of me sweetly, constantly calling me a chatterbox, changing his voice and look. Everyone noticed something specialattitude , but I couldn’t admit to myself that I was falling in love. These eternal smiles, sweet messages, questions on the topic, etc. There were many situations that were quite ambiguous. I don't know what this is? Could I feel the same way as test-antibiotic.com? Or are these my stupid desires, I eat myself with these thoughts.

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