This is my friend

This is my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There was a shock in my life, I felt very bad and I was waiting for support fromfriend , but she simply began to avoid me and ignore me, and also exchanged me for another.

This made me feel terrible and hurt, after a while she stopped ignoring me and even began to take the initiative in communication, I communicated with her neutrally. Later she tried to explain the situation, but at the same time she called all my friends hypocritical in the context, and made herself look like an angel. Later, everything resulted in a conflict, after which she wrote a letter, where, according to her, she began to ignore me due to the fact that in the summer we spent a lot of time together and were simply tired of each other. There was still a lot of unnecessary information, but I also noticed something important for me: she was also worried and could not get used to the fact that I was not around. Perhaps itlie . I don't know. I recently talked to her on the phone and she said that she knows that she has such poor quality that she gets tired of people, that she wants to fix it and that she wantsto regain our friendship, she told me to do whatever I wanted with her.

This confuses me so much. I do not know what to do. She had the firstfriend , then she exchanged for a second one, then me, now another one and, it seems, she is reaching out to me again. I'm afraid that if I give her a chance, she will betray her again, I won't be able to stand it again. Why is everything so confusing? I promised myself not to humiliate myself and not to startcommunication , but I would really like to turn back time. But I understand that she is aware of the fact that she is losing loyal friends, but she can’t do anything

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