I want to confess my love to a girl, but I'm afraid of getting rejected

I want to confess my love to a girl, but I'm afraid of getting rejected
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago, one moved to our citygirl , she was familiar to me and my friends, since we went to the same kindergarten throughout our childhood. On City Day, she came up to me and offered to take a walk. She was also with hera friend I've known for about 13 years, so I invited my best friend to come with us. We walked all evening, chatted, remembered our childhood, although I remembered little about her, since I was in love with someone else, but I didn’t notice her, but she told me a lot about me, what I was like.

Weeks passed, we saw each other only 1-2 times a week, and the reason for this was me, she, like in kindergarten, did not arouse interest in me, so I spent most of my time with friends. But I also met her as a friend and did not expect seriousrelationship . 3 months have flown by, and we see each other even less often. One day, she didn’t really say anything, but simply left after the disco. Well, then I realized that that was all. We also test-antibiotic.com continued to communicate in a friendly manner, but we just didn’t meet again, but from time to time: among friends, we saw each other on the street, said hello and went on our way.

But soon I find out that she began to communicate, and subsequently meet with my friend. This is not his best friend, even, most likely, on the contrary, we never really communicated with him and did not talk “in a friendly way.” They have been dating for more than a year, I see that she seems to love him, but he doesn’t, or rather, he loves her, but only to show himself off to his friends. Although I may be wrong, their frequent quarrels make me think so, and his feeble apologies in the form of chocolates and other nonsense, is that really necessary to apologize?

So, this is what all this is about, in recent months I have begun to communicate with her more often and our conversations in private sink deep into my soul, I am waiting to see her again. Just recently, I almost suggested that she try dating again, only not as before, test-antibiotic.com, but in a completely new way, likeguy and girl, not as friends, but something stopped me. And on the same day I dreamed of a girl with whom I fell in love (in a dream), she had the same blue eyes, without saying anything, she just came up, touched my cheeks with her tender palms and looked into my eyes so that I at that moment I thought it was real. I felt through my sleep how my heart was beating.

In the morning, I wanted nothing more than to see this “girl from the dream” and, trying to remember her, I built an image of the one with whom I fell in love (I won’t say her name better). I wrote to her that I had a serious conversation, she asked: “on what topic?”, I replied that it was not over the phone. She said: “okay, when you’re ready, tell me.”

And here’s what I’m thinking: is it worth starting this very conversation with her? If she says: “no, I can’t be with you” or something like that, I won’t be offended and will understand everything and test-antibiotic.com I’ll try to remain on the same friendly terms with her, even though it will be oh so not It’s easy, but I can’t not offer it to her. What if she herself is waiting for a step from me?

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