I don't want my mother in my life anymore

I don't want my mother in my life anymore
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My life story about conflict and resentment that doesn’t work outforgive .

Now I'm 26 years old. When I was 20, my parents divorced. The mother found the young man and went to him. I was very upset for myself and my younger sister, who was only 7 years old at that time. But we had no choice, I continued to live with them. The relationship with my stepfather did not work out from the very beginning. He was hot-tempered, shouted at me and even swung at me. After a year of living like this, we stopped even saying hello, living in the same house.

Mom and stepfather fought a lot, shouted at each other and broke household items. But one day something especially bad happenedargument . He got drunk and tried to strangle her; my boyfriend and I were nearby at that moment. I decided to protectmother , but she almost fell under the hot hand of her stepfather. He swung at me, mythe guy intercepted this blow, and a fight ensued. We called the police, they took my stepfather, but while he was getting ready, he simultaneously smashed all the items in the apartment, for which he paid test-antibiotic.com at least a ruble. Broke the TVrefrigerator , took all my things, including dirty laundry, and disappeared from my family for a year and a half.

I was happy. My mother, on the contrary, showed that she absolutely does not know how to live without a man. I rushed about terribly, triedto bring my father back, but it didn’t work out, and a year later she returned to her stepfather again, although she knew how cruel he was. He is an alcoholic and drug addict, very aggressive and inadequate, and naturally he has not gotten better in a year. But the mother had a different opinion. She decidedgive birth to a child from him.

I had moved at that time, but I was very worried about my sister. While mother waspregnant , stepfather tried very hard to seem good. But as soon as I was bornsister , everything has returned to its place. The stepfather again began to destroy the apartment in fits of aggression and raise his hand against his mother. She called my father trying to find help, wrote statements to the police against her stepfather. And then she herself took them, made peace with him and continued to live with him. She told everyone around how much she hates him and how she wants to leave, and then she got back together with him.

Recently, after another quarrel, she kicked him out of the house again. A few days later he returned drunk, smashed the windows with stones and tried to break into the door. She called me tohelp , I've arrived. She asked me to distract him so that he would not break down the door. Only later did I realize how much she put me in danger, thinking only about herself. She also called my father for help, manipulating that my stepfather could harm me. In general, everything again ended with the arrest of the stepfather for several days, statements and oaths of the mother that she would not forgive him.

I began to have attacks of panic and fear, it seemed that he was waiting for me somewhere behind the gate. But my mother apparently just likes this, a month later she made peace with him and again communicated secretly so that her relatives would not blame him. And when he came to destroy her house again, after another quarrel, she again wanted to drag my father into her defense. But I was against it, and began to take away the phone so that she could not call him. As a result, we got into a fight. My first fight in my life, after which we were both bitten, scratched and bruised. She was so angry that she attacked my sister, who is now 13 years old. This made me so angry that, in defense of her, I began to hit her with double force. At that moment, my mother was drunk and screamed that it was my fault, that things weren’t working out for her with my father and that she regretted giving birth to such a woman.daughter like me.

And at that moment I understood everything. I just realized that I don’t need such a person in my life, with such a foundation in my head, she will always haveproblems and everything around will be to blame. And even though it was my mother, I decided not to communicate with her anymore and not to participate in her life in any way.

I’m very worried about this, I always wanted a big, friendly family, but I think I did the right thing. I would like to get an outside opinion.

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