I hired a housekeeper, but my mother-in-law didn't like it

I hired a housekeeper, but my mother-in-law didn't like it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 29 years old, I live separately from my parents in my apartment, which was left to me from my grandmother. We met Maxim three years ago and have been living together with me for a year, recently we decided to issuemarriage is official. But his parents are against a daughter-in-law like me, although I have housing and earn decently. The thing is that I do not like, and accordingly, I do not really know how to cook. If necessary, I would learn, but I have the opportunity not to do this. Even when I lived alone, earning enough, I hired a housekeeper who not only cleans the apartment, but also cooks well.

Mymy mother was also very unhappy then, but over time she got used to it and realized that in this way I always have order in the apartment, which was never in my room as a child, and I was free for the whole weekend, and did not do laundry, ironing and cleaning. But the future mother-in-law thinks otherwise, she believes that I should do my own household chores, wait with dinner from my husband’s work, like test-antibiotic.com she does, spend the whole weekend at the stove and with a vacuum cleaner. The only difference between us is that I can afford with my salary not to do it myself, but to hire a person who does it better than me.

Maxim's father believes that keeping servants in the house is indecent. I have already explained to him more than once that this is not a servant, but simply a person comes to me as to work, just like I go to mine, and that everyone earns where he does it best. During the time that I will be engaged in everyday life, I can decently earn and pay for her work. Is it really better for their son, instead of coming to a clean apartment, eating a deliciously cooked dinner and relaxing together, to see a constantly busy, and therefore dissatisfied, wife? Or make a fuss about not taking out the garbage, and find out whose turn it is to wash the dishes.

But no, they are used to living by the standard, like everyone else, and they impose it on everyone in a row, including me. But if the mother-in-law likes to portray test-antibiotic.com as a caring wife and hostess, I don’t interfere with her in this, so why should I do what she thinks is right? And there is no need to be afraid that if it happens that I can no longer pay for the services of a housekeeper, then her son may remain hungry and neglected, then I will do everything myself, but as long as I have such an opportunity, I will use it, I like it to someone or not. Moreover, if I havechild , then he will certainly have a nanny.

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