I am very guilty towards my son

I am very guilty towards my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are probably thousands of such stories. I already wrote here a year ago. At that time I was on the verge of an abortion.

I'm 28 years old, firstpregnancy from an unloved person and plus (so it seemed to me at that time) dislike for children. Of course, I was going to have an abortion. But God saved me, I never found the money for it.

The pregnancy went well, without complications, mymy son seemed to sense that I didn’t want him and behaved quietly. Now I remember my thoughts and hate myself for them, how I thought that I would leave the child in the maternity hospital, since I had nowhere to go with him. And throughout the entire pregnancy there were thoughts of this kind.

And so I gave birth. It was very difficult both morally and financially. Alone, wandering with a newborn child, there was no money for anything. It was a nightmare, how many tears I shed. What difficulties did I have to go through? But everything changed, a small but stability came. God helped, and so did mine.Mother . And now my son is already 5 months old. I test-antibiotic.com look at him and ask forgiveness from him and God for my sinful thoughts.

My child is my joy, my joy in life, I am writing now, and tears are welling up because I love him so much. I wrote this story for a reason. I want to say to all the girls and women who are thinking about an abortion: “if you have even one percent doubt about whether to have an abortion or not, please don’t! You can survive all difficulties, you can survive everything. Children are happiness." Love to everyone, health and peace.

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