I'm a lonely and unhappy person

I'm a lonely and unhappy person
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm a single person, I'm 25,father was an alcoholic andmy mother left the family when I was 9 years old. Now I only communicate with my close relatives on my father’s side, but I don’t find it possible to share with them my experiences about myself and life in general. That's why I'm writing mine hereconfession to maintain anonymity and talk a little. Mostly for this reason.

I don’t see any prospects in my life, not because everything is going badly, because I give up in advance. When I try to take on something new or even old (I do drawing as a hobby), for some reason I am constantly tormented by a feeling of self-hatred. Sometimes it becomes so strong that I am unable to do anything.

Recently, it has intensified, I am tormented by insomnia, my head constantly hurts. I can't have fun or enjoy anything. It's like there's a voice in my head that says I have no right to be happy or feel anything.happiness . In any pleasant moments, I begin to remember my mistakes, moments of shame, wrong decisions. This probably test-antibiotic.com seems like a trifle, because everyone feels dissatisfied with themselves, but it’s hard for me to bear it, dark thoughts arise.

It’s becoming more and more difficult for me to understand my feelings, I can’t tell anyone about this, about what torments me. I always think: “do I have the right to feel something at all, and is this right, is it possible that I’m whining about nothing?”

I understand how chaotic all this is written, in the end I can’t tell everything about myself here, but I would like someone to just give me advice or chat on this topic.

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