I realized that I don't know how to be friends

I realized that I don't know how to be friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, I didn’t know how to meet people. But I had a friend with whom we had been friends since childhood. Probably because our parents were friends.

I was a quiet child who loved to stay at home, as at that time children of my age walked, had fun and socialized on the street. But this boy, with whom I was friends, constantly invited me to go for a walk. Sometimes I walked, but most often I pretended that I was not at home. I don’t know why I did this, or maybe I know, but I don’t want to admit it.

And so gradually ourThe friendship began to fade (which is logical). I began to forget everything about him, there was only one moment left, where we climbed into the cellar in winter and fell down into the snow, that’s all I remember about him. Eventually, we stopped communicating.

Later I met Nastya. We weren’t friends for long; I don’t have any special memories of her. Just like with that friend, we gradually stopped communicating. And now it’s the turn of the culprit test-antibiotic.com that I’m writing this. This is my bestfriend Sonya. We were very different, but at the same time similar. In our friendship she always took the initiative. She invited me to go for a walk, I sometimes refused, only now I realized what a fool I was.

Closer to the holidays, we suddenly ran out of topics to talk about. I always accompanied her, we walked and chatted, but then we just walked and were silent, I was so embarrassed. Then we stopped talking at school too. Our classmates started asking what happened, but we answered that “everything is fine,” but it was onlylie . Then it got worse, we always sat together, but one day she moved away from me, I was in so much pain, I didn’t understand why I felt so bad.

Summer has begun. Days and weeks passed. One day I couldn’t stand it and wrote to her. I asked: “why don’t we communicate anymore?” She replied: “I don’t know.” I wrote: “So it’s peace?” She answered in the affirmative. I invited her to go for a walk, but she said that she was with her grandmother and would come to test-antibiotic.com on Monday. Then I see a video of her hanging out with another friend that same day. I was overcome with envy and anger. But then I re-read our messages and I realized that it was not she who was a bad friend, but me. I kept throwing her around with walks. And she realized that she deserves better. But the next day she writes: “I have arrived,” but I ignored her, thereby deciding that it would be better for her. After this IEvery day I went to her page, saved and looked for a hint about myself. I cried constantly. I thought that I was not worthy to be friends with her.

Summer has passed, school has come. We had a new girl. The next day, Sonya joined the company of this new girl and another girl. She had fun with them, but when I watch her smile with them, I wanted to cry, but at the same time I knew that it would be better for her. Several days passed, and Nastya (the second friend I told about) spoke to me. She invited test-antibiotic.com to be friends. I agreed, thinking that it wouldn’t hurt me so much to look at that trio. But once again I was wrongthe pain never went away. To this day I hope that one day Sonya and I will become best friends again. And I don’t want to forget those memories where we had fun with her.

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