Am I a servant or a good wife?

Am I a servant or a good wife?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband works, and after work he watches movies on the couch. She never cooks, doesn’t clear her plate after herself, you get up from the table like in a restaurant and onto the sofa. He takes off his clothes wherever he has to, leaves the bathroom dirty, the toilet too, I can’t force him to walk down the street in the evening, he only goes out for 15 minutes at most.

He makes good money, and I’m studying to become a programmer so that I can also become independent, but this kind of life is driving me crazy. At first I wanted to show him how much I care about him, I wanted to be a good wife, but now, when he doesn’t find clean, ironed clothes, he immediately gets such a shock, as if I’m not fulfilling my duties. After all, I live in his apartment and eat the food he buys, and he also pays for my programming courses.

I only dream of getting my first salary and breaking out of this slavery. On the one hand, he’s right: if I use his money and live in his apartment, then I should thank him with at least a comfortable life. And from on the other hand, who am I? Servant or good wife? Cook and cleaner for the sake of food and a roof over your head?

I am an orphan and I have nowhere to live, and I have no money to rent a house either. I fell into this kind of slavery of my own free will. But I really want someone to take care of me, at least peel an apple or cover it before bed, but it’s like I live for his comfort. And the worst thing is that I don’t understand this is normalmarriage or something is wrong here.

Maybe I want too much? As if I want to please my husband, so that he can see how good I am, that I can do everything. I can fix a closet, paint a ceiling, cook, and decorate an apartment beautifully. I can do everything, but I’m just scared to leave him. I'm afraid again of these feelings, as if I was abandoned by my parents, that I'm completely alone, now at leastmy husband is not around.

But if you leave him, that’s all, where can I earn enough in the first month to have enough to pay the rent and have enough left for food? Yes, and I’m afraid of my husband’s reaction todivorce _ After all, if I express my protest, he immediately becomes aggressive and says “there’s never enough for you.”

I ask him: “Do you love me?” He says that I have already bothered him with this question. But I want love, and he believes that proof of love is that he pays for all my needs.

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