I'm too skinny, that's why I'm lonely

I'm too skinny, that's why I'm lonely
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For a long time now I have suffered from being embarrassed about my body. I have always been very thin, apparently due to improper metabolism. Now I am 37 years old. I’ve always been shy about girls and women, so I’ve never had anyone except acquaintances who treat me like a friend.

I look like an ordinary person, people respect me. Not long ago, a completely unpleasant incident occurred for me, which hit me painfully. I met a woman on a dating site, got into conversation, established emotional contact, and walked together a couple of times. We agreed to go to the beach. On the beach she saw me naked, she didn’t show me anything, they lay, talked, hugged. But later, whenour relationship did not work out (which often happens when we meet inInternet ), she said that I was thin, scary, and she was disgusted when I touched her.

Maybe I made her angry somehow, but I think she said what she felt. It’s an immediate blow for me, I’m in shock, is it really like this, no one needs me, and I’ll just be left alone?

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