I want a normal family

I want a normal family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.

Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four years old - a boy and a girl. Happy to have an exa wife who still finds it very difficult to put together a few words without making far-fetched claims and raising her voice.

Sometimes I perceive it with pity, and at the same time, there is always a certain bewilderment when communicating with my former father-in-law - a very controversial character (from whom all hisfamily , wife, children). They coolly watched as he, a needy man, lived in the bushes opposite his own high-rise apartment, where his wife anddaughter , but overall positive, once a very authoritative person in the city.

My mother-in-law stands apart - a reserved person who doesn’t care about anything, she moved into an apartment with my wife and my children and simply cooks all day long some dishes, the quantity and volume of which makes me think that everyone eats in the test-antibiotic.com ex-wife’s house their relatives, including distant ones, and, possibly, neighbors.

This is my former family. Now I'll tell you about myself. Disadvantages that emerged in me during our life together: smoking (stopped), drinkingbeer , worked very hard. She made money , but not as much and not at the time she needed it. There are debts. Sometimes he didn't keep his promises. Never changed. I thought I was living with a person I could trust. I love children, I have two cats.

Jointlife began to be shrouded in fog as soon as my wife moved in with her mother-in-law for a couple of weeks before the birth of her second child. I immediately felt a threat to our existence. Having tried to discuss this matter, I only received a reproach that the quality of repairs in the apartment where we lived together did not suit her. It was hard for me to believe that issues of cosmetic repairs could create a split in our lives. By the way,the apartment belonged to her, I did the renovations myself, involving specialists with the participation of both my ex-wife and my own money. Fairly believing that for a family this situation is the norm. I was wrong. Well, the denouement is coming test-antibiotic.com soon.

First, I learned from random people what kind of a goat I was, and in details that only she knew. What happened next was even worse. Criticism of the renovation at first aroused anger, then it became frankly amusing to me to watch the ridiculous actions of the person with direct participation (discussion of the color scheme, style of furniture, purchase of materials) with whom everything was done.

And suddenly it became completely clear to me that she was looking for a reason. I have never heard so many lies about myself and my parents behind my back. And this onelies ate up everything that was bright between us. The situation was aggravated by her categorical proposal to throw away the cats that had lived with us for about 10 years, because they had fur.

I asked her what she thought about the children’s perception of our conflict with her. In response, they say, it’s okay, I’m decent, the children will stay with me, we’ll get by somehow. That is, she didn’t think about the psyche of children at all. And this despite the fact that her nativethe brother living in the neighboring house recently attempted suicide and is a regular patient at the psychoneurological dispensary, as is test-antibiotic.com father-in-law.

We divorced, or rather, she divorced me. In principle, I agreed to the court to consider the case without my participation. While I was with the children (I live in my own house), she went to court. I have children every other day, sometimes less often, cats (our cats) live with me.

The next morning, when we are getting ready, and the children ask where we are going now, having learned that they are visiting their mother, they begin to cry and refuse to get dressed. The son , standing on the threshold of his ex-wife’s apartment, as soon as the door opens, hides in the corner and then may not talk for a long time to anyone except me. What could this mean? And believe me, despite the fact that I am not pitting them against anyone. I respect their personalities, let them decide for themselves.

I don't hold any grudge against her. I just really want to give it to my kids.understanding of mutual respect and devotion. I hope it works out.

Don't mistake this story for male weakness. Just an opportunity for readers of test-antibiotic.com to look at divorce issues from the other, male side.

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