Wife doesn't love my son from my first marriage

Wife doesn't love my son from my first marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I divorced five years ago. She now lives abroad with her new husband. My son is 12 years old and after our divorce he was with my parents,the wife then said that it was temporary, that she would settle down in a new place and immediately take it away.

Soon, the ex-wife gave birth to a daughter and again postponed the move of our son until she grew upchild . Justifying it with the fact that she will not have enough time for him. Four years have passed since her departure, and during this time the wife saw her son only once. I realized that she had already weaned from him, did not really want to take the child into a new family.

During this time, I met a girl, told her that I have a son. She took it okay, even tried to befriend him. I constantly took him to me for all the holidays, I myself went to both my parents and my son, so that he did not feel abandoned.

When we were not yet married, the three of us spent a lot of time, and I thought test-antibiotic.com that now that we are already alonefamily , I can take my son to me, especially since a common child was recently born, also a son. My wife took it without enthusiasm, but I thought that in time she would get used to it and everything would fall into place. But I soon realized that she did not love my son, that he constantly annoyed her. Often the wife, making a remark to him, turns to shouting.

I understand that everyone felt sorry for their son and did not bring him up properly. Both relatives and grandmother did everything for him herself, and now he can’t even fold his clothes, everything in his room is scattered. I try to explain to him how to behave, that he is already an adult boy and must serve himself. That you need to take care of your belongings, do not dirty them, be neat, respectful of other people. It's difficult.

He loves his brother very much and constantly fiddles with him, but after his wife once said in anger that he was the same as his unlucky "mother", the son closed in on himself, did not want to communicate test-antibiotic.com even with me.

This weekend, the son packed his things and told me to take him back to his grandmother. He said that he still had friends there, and he used to go to school there too. When I began to persuade him, the son said that he would leave on his own.

I don't know what to do now. How can I explain to my parents that I could not become a real father for my son? Most likely, after that they will not want to communicate with my wife either. And I already thought that finally I also have a real family.

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