The wife has become completely different after the wedding

The wife has become completely different after the wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married a few years ago to a sweet, pretty girl. We worked at the same enterprise, she herself began to show signs of attention, she herself came up to meet, even broke up with another guy from the same company, who was much higher than me in position.

We talked a lot, walked, had a lot of common interests. She seemed very modest to me, she had never lived with anyone before me, she had never had a close relationship (intimate) and was very proud of it. Even hermy mother told all my family about it. For her, it was important only after the wedding.

I accepted it, supported and loved her very much. A year after the start of the relationship, we got married and began to live together. Before the wedding, she often said that she carefully prepared, read books and knew how to do a lot intimately, promised to be liberated and spoke freely on this topic. But after the wedding, everything changed quite dramatically.

We took out a mortgage and started living together. She insisted on living next door to her mother. It's a pity that I didn't immediately realize how bad an idea this is. After all, her mother literally settled with us. She climbed into everything with her advice, even the choice of wallpaper and a refrigerator didn’t pass without her, and God forbid I even hint that there are too many of this woman in our lives. As soon as my wife began to cry, tantrums, calls and complaints from her mother. None of this happened before the wedding.

It was also possible to put an end to intimate life. The wife avoided it as best she could. No conversations, offers to go to a psychologist, relaxing massages, books, nothing helped. She didn't even want to listen. Now even talking about sex itself seemed to her the height of depravity and was forbidden. We had sex once every couple of months, and then after much persuasion and hourly foreplay.

I climbed the wall, but endured. Tried to make it better for her. Over time, she greatly relaxed, greatly gained weight. From a slender sweet girl she turned into an aunt with a double chin, she stopped wearing makeup, she wore dresses only on holidays. To my gifts, like a certificate to a beauty salon, she scandalized and said,, that I should accept it as it is.

Gradually, all my friends disappeared from my life, I simply could not go anywhere without her or her consent, a scandal began. She controlled all my movements, went to the social. networks, read correspondence, it happened, even wrote all sorts of nasty things to girls I knew on my behalf.

I tried to change it somehow, to stop scandals, tears, calls to my mother. I began to stay late at work more often, I don’t want to go home at all. More and more I think about divorce. Awife suddenly announced pregnancy. It's amazing that we got something. But I don't want anything at all.

I do not know what to do. After all, if I get divorced, for her relatives I will become the number one traitor and the removal of the brain for the rest of my life is guaranteed to me. Especially with a child. I'm afraid they won't even let me see him.

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