Why are macrolides in milk dangerous?

Why are macrolides in milk dangerous?
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Macrolides are one class of antibiotics that may be present in milk. They are widely used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis and other diseases.
However, the use of macrolides can be hazardous to the health of dairy consumers. They can cause allergic reactions, intestinal dysbiosis, and even the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
In addition, the use of macrolides in the treatment of animals may result in these drugs being present in milk. This can happen if the animal was treated with antibiotics prior to milk collection or if the drugs were added to the feed.
The presence of macrolides in milk can be dangerous for people who are allergic to these drugs. In addition, the use of antibiotics can lead to the development of bacterial resistance to them, making the treatment of infections more difficult and costly.
In order to prevent the presence of macrolides in milk, it is necessary to control the quality of dairy products and prevent the use of antibiotics unnecessarily. This can be achieved by educating farmers and livestock keepers about the use of antibiotics, as well as conducting regular checks for the presence of drugs in milk.
In conclusion, the use of macrolides can be hazardous to the health of dairy consumers. The presence of these drugs in milk can cause allergic reactions and the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out quality control of dairy products and prevent the use of antibiotics unnecessarily.

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